Does anyone have this fax number? I got a fax, scanner, printer, copier for Christmas so now I can fax all this stuff and not do as many CRR, little bit cheaper.
Fax #'s in this post {edit}I just ended up bumping it, so it's back up at the top.
Thanks Pat...I have those numbers, I was needing one for Glenn King specifically if anyone had it, he's in Consumer Relations I believe. I didn't want it to go to just anyone.
I think Gleen king is a made up name by EQU. EVERYONE who has ever done an investigation receives the results from Glenn King. KHM
Wouldn't that be funny, KHM? "May I speak with Glenn King" may be their code for "I'm a problem, escalated consumer." Psych "Please Give Me Glenn King" Doc
Maybe that's for "Getting Clean" LOL! hey let's all try (really that is their domain name)
It probably is a generic name used to protect the employees. 4 years ago I worked for Appied Card Systems. They service Cross Country Bank cc. We all used the last name 'Beard' to protect ourselves.
So...just as I suspected. Glenn King may not be a real person. Can we sue EQ for fraud and misrepresentation? A FCRA violation for sure. How can a someone that doesn't exist "verify" anything? Then again, this could work against us. How can a non-existent person "delete" an account. I guess EQ wants us to feel as though we are getting "personalized service" through our own personal contact! Amazing how he is able to investigate every single dispute that arrives at Equifax and investigate within 30 days. He sure must be overworked! Do I sense burn out and nervous breakdown coming soon?
Christi, try Robin Holland as the contact person. I've gotten results when I address correspondence to her.
Robin Holland's office confirmed that Glenn King does not exist. I found out when I sent my intent to sue letter. Basically he is a made up name because of all the turnover. When a letter is addressed to him, they know it is in relation to a dispute. Something about printing costs....
Then why make up the name? TU just signs their correspondence Consumer Relations and I think Experian just signs theirs Experian. It seems kind of misleading by using a fake name. Makes you think there is a specific contact working on your report when there is not. Using something like Equifax Consumer Relations is more understandable.
When you work for Applied Card Systems aka Cross Country Bank you definately don't want people to know your identity. I didn't know what they were up to until I had been working there for awhile. We used to get death threats, bomb threats, etc. If you had an unusual first name they would tell you to change it to something more common but still using the 'Beard" last name. One thing that really made me sick, was they acquired another bank and we started servicing their accounts. When they acquired secured accounts, if the cardholder wanted the deposit back it was the customer's responsibility to provide proof of the deposit. I only lasted 3 months. They treat their employees as bad as their customers. I remember one day they fired the whole collection dept. and bought in the police to remove the employees from the bldg. without any prior notice. It was a trip!! I don't know why or what the outcome was because I quit about 2 weeks later. I'm glad I worked there. It taught me to read the fine print on EVERYTHING! And never been too happy to apply for credit or sign on the dotted-line unless I knew what I was getting into. Companies can update your accounts if they want to. Like alot of people say it depends on the individual employee. I had access to experian and equifax. I used to remove the lates, close out credit card accounts, etc. It can be done, it just depends on the person. One last story, I remember some poor person signed up for the card, used it. Got the bill and then realized all the fees, then returned the items. It was a small amt. less than $20 and they still wouldn't refund the fees. They were the first company to start charging $29 over the limit fee and late fee. They were the first to raise your interest rate when you made a late pymt. Correct me if I'm wrong. But, prime lenders follow the example of sub-prime, if they can get away with it and it's legal why not??? They figured out how to make people be over the limit every pymt cycle, how to charge lates fees every month even with on-time pymts. As far as, I know it's all legal. I don't work there haven't for years and wouldn't. They even solicit their own employees to sign-up for cc!!!! Only after you quit!!! BTW, sorry for the long post, I had to get it off my chest!!
So again that means say go for it. I will be sending her a letter shortly via emailand see if I get any response. I will let you all know. Thanks for the name.