i am hoping you mean a request to verify an account? I have never heard of anyone requesting deletion directly from a cra unless it was a result of fraud.
I dispute with all 3 CRA's and with about 75% success. Then I snail mail the ones that were "supposedly" verified. CE won't dispute after 2 times so I fax it to EX. Charlie
I did something similar last year. I disputed a judgement with EX twice last year. The judgement was really not mine. I went to the courthouse and got a copy of the judgement they said was mine. I called Ex and said "What's the deal here you keep verifying something that isn't mine, and it's gotten me a denial for credit (Citi AA Card)." Rep says we investigated and verified that it was yours. I say "Really, I've got a copy of that judgement right here. If you don't delete that account today I'm going to sue the snot out of Experian. What's your fax number I'll fax it to you right now." Rep mumbles and fumbles, puts me on hold, comes back and gives me their fax number. I fax over a copy of the judgement. Reps calls me back the next day, says he was sorry for the mistake, and the judgement was deleted. Boy was that process fun. EdG