My situation is this Providian Platinum Visa CL $1300 apr ? opoened 4/2001 ( just upgraded this month FCNB visa CL$300 apr 18.9 opened 5/01 Getsmart Visa CL $400 and apr is 16.99 opened 6//2001 Cross Country CL $750 and apr is 18.99 opened 6/2001 Orchard Bank cl $500 opened 6/01 closed 12/01 Orchard Bank Cl $300 opened 12/01 closed 01/02 Orchard Bank CL $ 1800 apr is 9.0 opened 12/01 Capitol One Plat CL$400 apr is 14.9 opened 01/02 Wells Fargo Auto loan opened 12/01 $18000 balance 3 chargeoffs from 1996 to 1998 No negtives since 1998 ..Scores range from 560 to 590 I am planning on closing my FCNB and Cross COuntry accounts in the next 2 or 3 months. My question is I understand that after 12 months of payments I gain a few points. WIll i still retain the points if I close the accounts out exactly after 1 year ?? AND do I gain points on each account that I do have after 1 year or do I just gain points on the first 3 or 4 credit cards after a year passes ??
I can't answer your questions because I'm still waiting for the next average age of accounts discussion to come up again so I can understand it I did want to say that you should check out and run a google search and check out some other sites regarding CCB. From what I have read, its almost impossible to get an account closed with them because of the way the calculate interest, etc. I'd *really* keep a close eye on them when you try to close. L
I have a blank check from Providian and I think I will use it to pay the whole damn balance off.. CCB sucks
I am in a similiar situation..I am closing FCNB and Cross Country soon too.. I am not sure if closing an account the 1st day of your 12 month anniversary would still keep u eligible for having your report reflect the card being opened for 1 year..What if you opened your account on the 15th of May and not the first ??