fcnb (red flag)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jtw, Mar 22, 2002.

  1. jtw

    jtw Well-Known Member

    FCNB is not accepting any new bankcard applications. Also they are not considering any credit limit increases on existing accounts.

    I have a feeling they are going down the tubes. Can't get them to increase my mastercard limit. I'm just wondering if I should buy a bunch of clothes on my eddie bauer why it still have over $1000 available. They reduced the cash advance limit to 50% on my mc.

    They are very good in my opinion right now. Lots of red flags are going up.
  2. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    Why would you want to plunge yourself into more debt just because the cc company may be in trouble?
  3. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    I heard they are trying to sale but I didn't know all of this.

    I have a secured card w/them. It will be one year in Aug. Should I try to get my money back b/f then. Or wait until Aug?

    What happens if they go under... do I get my money back?
  4. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    This kinda stinks. They gave me a $200 cl increase recently (just this month), but I guess that'll be the end of that ride pretty soon.

    Whatever happens, I just hope everything goes smoothly with respect to account aging & other reporting issues, since this is my oldest tradeline.

  5. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    Time to dispute?

    hmmmm I wonder if they do go down would that be the time for people to file some disputes? Or even NextCard or Net 1st Mastercard...if you had a 90 day late or charge off or something, who would verify the informations for the CRA after these companies go under?
  6. boomer

    boomer Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to dispute?

    I just got my bill last night and they are encouraging me to apply for a secured Visa.
  7. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to dispute?

    I just opened an account with them. Got the card last week. Everyone was talking about how good they were so naturally I ran right out to see what the fuss was about. I hope they don't go under!

  8. FeliceRodo

    FeliceRodo Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to dispute?

    I called today and the rep said that credit line increases had been frozen because the bank was in the process of being bought out.
  9. c5kirk

    c5kirk Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to dispute?

    Half true.... they're trying to find someone willing to buy them... but haven't had any luck yet.

  10. FeliceRodo

    FeliceRodo Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to dispute?

    I can verify the cash advance limit, too. I called again and found out the cash advance limit was now half my credit line. What's next? No PayPal or Yahoo Pay Direct purchases?
  11. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    Re: Time to dispute?

    I hope Amex buys and give me another card without applying for it"""I want a Hilton H card"""
  12. Mary1NYS

    Mary1NYS Active Member

    Re: Time to dispute?

    They must be accepting new apps as I just recd a preapproval for an unsecured Mastercard, up to 2,000 limit, no annual fee, apr 20%.
  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

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