Arrow is like a thorn in my side that won't go away. Here's the story so far. On March 21 mailed validation letter CRRR and it was received by them on March 28. To this date I haven't had ANY response. Today, I receive a letter stating that they will accept 30% of the full balance, which is $285.04. First off, never even owed the $285, let alone the other 70%! I guess they are starting to get freaked out since this debt is past SOL and will fall off in two years. They are truly reaching for straws. I disputed this account with TU and it came off and I am currently in the process of validating with EQ and EXP. Anyway, these characters have not provided validation and have failed to mark the account as disputed. I am getting ready to send out my second letter. Can anyone proof this and add or delete any good/useless information? Thanks a ton! Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in reference in response to your letter dated May 20, 2002. Please note that this is the first time I have received a letter from your organization informing me of any kind of debt. The first I heard of your organization is when I looked at my consumer reports two months ago. I noted your entry and sent you a letter requesting validation on March 21, 2002. This letter is enclosed with this letter. This letter was received by your office on March 28, 2002. However, to this date, you still have not provided validation. This letter is not a request for "verification" or proof of my mailing address, but a request for VALIDATION. I respectfully request that your offices provide me with some competent evidence that I have an obligation to pay you. If your offices fail to repond to this validation request within 15 DAYS of your receipt, all references to this account must be deleted and completely removed from my credit file and a copy of such deletion shall be sent to me immediately. Please note, all future communication with me must be in writing and sent to the address listed above. Please do not contact me in any other fashion. Respectfully, Rblues
I would really love to use the estoppel letter...I think it gets straight to the point, but at this point, I'm in no position to file suit, or even an intent to sue as I live out of the country. I actually live in a US territory, but I'm not quite sure of the laws pertaining to small claims and I'm not a resident of the territory and still a resident of Arizona. I would love to file suit against them and have them come here (lol, yeah, like they'd pay for a $1500 plane ticket), but at this point in time, I'm not to saavy on the whole process. Do you have to actually live a state to file? BTW, the "account" they are referring to was incurred in the states... I just don't know if the estoppel, which is leading to an intent to sue is for my particular situation right now. HELP...I'm drowning in my own words...
I live out of the country. I actually live in a US territory, but I'm not quite sure of the laws pertaining to small claims and I'm not a resident of the territory and still a resident of Arizona. I would love to file suit against them and have them come here (lol, yeah, like they'd pay for a $1500 plane ticket), but at this point in time, I'm not to saavy on the whole process. Do you have to actually live a state to file? BTW, the "account" they are referring to was incurred in the states... I just don't know if the estoppel, which is leading to an intent to sue is for my particular situation right now. rblues ======================= What can RBLUES do to fix this problem when he is out of the country?
If he hires an attorney he would not necessarily have to appear. The attorney would appear on his behalf. L
lol, I'm a she. I just can't deal with lawsuits from way over here in the South Pacific, so I'll just keep on plugging along like I have. I've actually gotten pretty far into ensuring complete accuracy of my CR, it's just that Arrow is the worst. If worst comes to worse, I know that that they fall off in 6/2004 anyway and they'll be out of my hair. I am faxing a 48 hour letter telling them about their numerous violations, etc... I'll keep everyone apprised.
well you actually have them then. IT's continued collection efforts without providing validation. they're required to cease all activities until they provide you validation. the fact that they did it in writing is wonderful. Since you have such good luck writing letters, do a letter outlining their violations... then the laws they broke. Enclose your validation request and the copies of the proof they received it... along with a copy of their letter asking offering a settlement... Demand 1k for fdcpa violations, 1k fcra violations (let me guess, the trade line is still there and there's no "in dispute" notation like they're supposed to put)... a full removal of the trade line from them and the original creditor... and full removal of all collection inquiries too... anyway, send a demand letter... money and full deletion and a squashing of the debt (I don't know the legal term for this) so it isn't sold ever to anyone ever again... you can also copy the FTC and file a formal complaint... they may be able to take some action on it too... You have them by the assets.... enjoy having a position of power
That sounds like an excellent plan Marie. I fully intend on faxing my revised demand letter. Only, I'm not demanding validation, only that they remove. Then, I wait just a little bit to hear a reply back. I'm only taking a "we will delete immediately" from them. If they don't, they'll get the wham, bam thank you mam letter. By the way, while I was surfing around on their website, I saw this. Might be of interest to all those who have dealings with Arrow: ARROW HAS MOVED! Effective May 10, 2002, our new corporate address is: 5996 W. Touhy Avenue Niles, IL 60714
They did pretty much the same to me. I asked for validation, got nothing. I then sent a modified validation-estoppel, still got nothing. But then I get an offer to settle for $50 of the debt (which is more that the charge off amount).
So..... I have them on violation(s) of: --Trying to collect on an unvalidated debt Can anyone think of anything else? As far as I know, they have not hit my reports. BTW, the charge off they were trying to collect mysteriously disappeared from my EQ report
Okay, heres an update. I sent Lance Martin, General Counsel an e-mail telling him that I was fed up with being ignored and due to the fact that they have several violations against them that they need to delete now. This is the response, I get: We have received your email request regarding your account. Please contact our office at 800-279-0224, Extension 6000 so that we may assist you in this matter. Sincerely, Christine David Quality Control Manager YEAH RIGHT!!! All you have to do is read my wording down below to understand what I feel about that:
Just for your information, I am currently involved in a suit against Arrow Financial. I hired an Illinois lawfirm called Krohn and Moss to sue their pants off. I also included Equifax in the suit, since they were reporting information that was not verifiable by Arrow. As soon as suit was filed, the Arrow entry mysteriously disappeared off of the credit report. I don't know if Equifax or Arrow removed it, but one of them did. I am going for statutory damages as well as claiming "willful noncompliance" so I can get additional money out of them. I am going to make them pay for their business practices, and maybe this will help make it easier on the other people they are harassing...