Hello To Anyone Who Can Help: I'm still new to this and in the process of learning the early stages of credit. I received my first validation letter back from a collection agency (within the 30 days) that filled out most of the form with answers like "Unknown, per current Federal HIPPA Regulations" or "My client requests this information be kept confidential". I'm not sure how to proceed. The OC is in the medical field. I would appreciate if someone could give me some advice.
Simple - they didn't properly validate it. Send them a second notice that restates that they must delete since they can't validate.
Do a search for HIPPA. There are some privacy laws involved in HIPPA transactions. I don't have any medical collection issues, so I'm not sure how it affects anything, but there was a lot of discussion last year about the HIPPA law.
Thanks, Butch!! I'm so stressed with work and everything now I just don't have time to go search everything.
Christmas is fine. And I intend to enjoy it. Today is my last day of work until next year. And I'm going to spend several days doing nothing but sleep. I probably won't be around much. I only have dial up at home and it's painful. Besides, I have so much to do I probably won't have time to spend at the computer.
Not sure if this link will help or not: http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/hipaa I work in medical claims and have never worked the other side (medical collections).
Butch, I remember reading the original sequence. The whole thing about young docs demanding to get paid doesn't quite wash.... (1) if they wanted to get paid, they would make sure that the insurance stuff was done right. My med coll accts (that hit last month!) are all from the doc screwing up the paperwork, me trying to fix it and BCBS being a$$holes. (2) If the statement about young docs is true, then why are these accts in the hands of MEDCLR? Medclr purchases these for pennies on the dollar.... so much for paying off that student loan of his! The biggest war I am having now with MEDCLR is over a triplet of bills (ER phys, Hosp, Anethesiologist) where they ALL have my daughter's last name wrong! From the day after the surgery, I have repeatedly told them they will have to change her last name to get the ins to pay. I told the ins co what their problem was....but they keep denying the claims based on "not a covered member". Now I am DVing MEDCLR. Hmmm, how can this be *MY* acct to pay? I don't have a child by that name! (BTW, I HAVE paid MY portion of those bills, I just refuse to pay BCBS's!)