
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tea, Jun 24, 2002.

  1. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    Concerned about Credit Report Score. I am trying to obtain a federal job and would like to know how much emphasis they put on the score or do they look at what is on the report. I am not defult on student loans or any type of federal loans just credit cards and a couple of utility bills.
  2. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    I was active duty military w/secret clearance... no credit report pulled. I became GS-11, Secret, no credit report. I became a Lockheed employee working govt contract and needed TS-SBI-SAR and they STILL never looked at my credit.

  3. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    I just recently sent in application and signed the disclosure for them to pull the report. One of the questions on the application was "Have you been 180 days delinquent on an account?" and list the items. That is why I was thinking they were going to pull a report.

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