Hello All, I have been in the process of removing a paid collection from my credit report. This particular gem appears on all 3 reports. I was a sucker, I paid it over 3 years ago and never questioned if I owed this or not. I have validated, nutcased, estoppel, nutcased (2), begged, pleaded, and offerred my first born hemaphrodite child to these people, but to no avail. Well I got fed up and sent this little gem in response to BBAuer knockout Estoppel along with my personal touch of a plaintiff statement, (don't get me wrong, I plan on following up an suing these people) Scumbag Collection Agency 666 Scum Avenue California *** Dear Mr. Agent from Hell, On January 17, 2003, a letter was sent to your company and signed for on January 24, 2003, this letter requested a signed contract or evidence to support that this alleged liability was owed to your company. As of today, February 26, 2003, I have not received any documentation, which would validate this alleged liability. Yet, your company has verified this information with Equifax, Experian and Trans Union with expediency and impunity. As of February 24, 2003, Equifax and Trans Union are still conducting a re-investigation. The basis of my complaint is clearly outlined by California Civil Code 1785.30. (A signed and notarized letter along with a signed certified mail receipt date January 24, 2003) 1785.30. Upon notification of the results of a consumer credit reporting agency's reinvestigation pursuant to Section 1785.16, an consumer may make a written demand on any person furnishing information to the consumer credit reporting agency to correct any information which the consumer believes to be inaccurate. The person upon whom the written demand is made shall acknowledge the demand within 30 days. The date of my subsequent letter and plaintiff statement is dated February 24, 2003. Of which you have initiated a response. (f) Upon receiving notice of a dispute noticed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 1785.16 with regard to the completeness or accuracy of any information provided to a consumer credit reporting agency, the person that provided the information shall (1) complete an investigation with respect to the disputed information and report to the consumer credit reporting agency the results of that investigation before the end of the 30-business-day period beginning on the date the consumer credit reporting agency receives the notice of dispute from the consumer in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 1785.16 and (2) review relevant information submitted to it. As of today, this provision has not been addressed or even documented upon my credit reports. This item is disputed. In fact a Procedure letter to Equifax merited a response that they contacted your corporate headquarters and received verification. Your statement of â?? If you are claiming that this account was not your account please send me a detailed explanation of the basis of your claim and I will be glad to fully investigate the matter.â? Since you have verified this information with the Credit Bureaus on what is now â??numerous occasionsâ?, it would stand to reason that you have already concluded an investigation and one would hope a thorough investigation. My demand is deletion of the alleged liabilities from all three credit-reporting agency and $3000 compensation for violation of the above listed items. Paid or Fully Paid still constitutes an agreement between your company and myself. If this is so, please provide the continuously requested validation. Poor me, Cc: California Department of Consumer Affairs Cc: Better Business Bureau Some have commented that I have given up too much information. I am of the opinion, that these people are ruining my life and I want them to begone. I know that I requested both a deletion and $3k, but me reasoning is to negotiate down. I don't need their cash, but I do need them to disappear (poof) I sent them this letter via post office priority mai tracking on Friday and today, I received a notice that they attempted to FedEx something to me. It can be 2 things, a notice to appear in court or a letter telling me to go and pound sand until the crabs go home. Can you guys speculate as to what is their next move?????
Since it is paid, I doubt it is a notice to appear in court! It could be printouts or attempts to validate the account.... or it could be settlement agreement??????
I know the curiosity is problem killing you, it would be me. Since you said that the account was paid off three years ago, the CA has nothing to gain from keeping a derog on your reportsm, except a law suit filed against them! I would take a gamble and accept the package. There's a good chance that it is a validation letter. There is also a good chance that there might be a UDF in there, too indicating the deletions will be made. Notice to appear in court? Unlikely, since THEY are the ones violating laws. Let us know how this turns out!
That would be funny and would show how what goes around comes around. I just gave blockbuster rolled pennies to pay for late fees. That 12 noon thing is a hassle and I am tired of paying. My late fees were $25, so I politely rolled and handed them 50 rolled pennies. And for each time I am late, I will take the effort and do the same thing. (I am that type of consumer)