All, in January of this year I fell behind one month on two auto leases (30 days+) both of which landed on my credit report. I've been slowly rebuilding my credit over the last 2 years and up until January went from a 530 to 655. After these two derogatory reports landed on my report it dropped back down to the 620 range. There is a reason for this. I moved twice in a 2 month period and due to mail forwarding issues and additional rent/deposit payments I was unable to make the lease payments on time. Has anyone had any luck with sending a letter to an auto leasing company (Jaguar/Acura) and asking them to remove a deragotory report because of X reason? My payments are current today on both leases. Thanks
There is no harm in asking, and to the extent they want your future business, they even have an incentive.