FICO finally up

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Maggie75, Jun 15, 2002.

  1. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    I can remember a lot of smile type days :) college graduations, first day on the job, attending awards for daughter and son, promotion to a job I really wanted...

    Even though it's no where close, I would be lying if I didn't acknowledge excitement and broad smile :)about my first 700 score. I got a notification from Creditwatch on Equifax today.

    they've updated my Sallie Mae loan from a zero too new to rate to a 1, pays as agreedLoan is now six months old. And my mortgage changed from pays late to pays as agreed, also. Target also added tradeline with small LOC (700).

    EQ score went up to 702, up from 673 ten days ago.

    Thank you to each person that has responded to a query or concern. And thanks for all the "hidden help" that I have gotten from the posts on the board, and the letters that others have shared. All of those have helped in my journey from the 500's to where I am now.

    Next project is removing the collection notation as a library felon that's haunting all three CR's. Surely that's got to worth a few points????

    Hope Y'all are having a good weekend,
  2. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Congrats! Gotta love!
  3. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Congatulations Maggie!
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Way to go, Maggie! :) :D ;)

  5. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    That is excellent news!!! Congrats!!
  6. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

  7. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    soup, would you share your FICO, I'm thinking about applying to ccc's that pull Equifax...I know you have had some approvals lately,
  8. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member


    i cant wait for that day to arrive
  9. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member


    GIG 'EM !!!

    class of '75
  10. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    mine most important factor are the balance on my accounts.

    An alumnist, great.

    Did I mention that I was taking donations for my embarkation into UT Law from all alumnist?

  11. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    sorry, reshod, but my Aggie roots will not allow me to subsidize anyone into t.u., whether it's for undergrad work or law school. you're gonna have to finance the foray into Austin on your own, I'm afraid.

    Good luck, see you on the football field in the fall, always a great rivalry
  12. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member


    Aggie Roots!!!!!

    they have to be better than my Miner ROOTs from West Texas.
  13. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    hey, there's nothing wrong with West Texas. If you read previous posts, you'll see that I'm a Panhandle girl from way back. 287 may not be a major thoroughfare compared to others, but it's a great way to get from here to there
  14. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    suedan217 | 36 posts since Jun 2002 | 06.16.2002 @ 11:00

    maggie, your scores have come up pretty good in a short amount of time. What is your chinese ancient secret?

    SueDan, some info

    I filed for 13BK in June96, it was dismissed in Dec2001. I never even thought about pulling CR's until fall of 2001 when I found out my insurance rates were no longer in preferred category for auto and home due to Farmers pulling CR's. I also have made no credit apps for six years, secured or unsecured. no hard inquiries except for SallieMae loan and insurance.

    when I checked reports last fall , not only were they reporting the BK, all 3 CRA's had significant inaccuracies on tradelines that were actually part of the BK. The tradelines were listed as chargeoffs, some with balances of several thousands of dollars. So I started disputing the CO status and the inaccurate balances. Some got corrected, some didn't. I didn't know about CreditNet when I started, I just disputed online with EXP and TU.

    I also did a really dumb thing by sending my BK documentation to EXP and TU, on the advice of my dummy lawyer who said that would be the best way to get entries accurately reported. so some fell off, some didn't. And unfortunately, some were updated based on the info that I sent them, rather than falling off as not verified. But at least they were no longer reporting as chargeoff's/past due. This took two rounds of disputes with the CRA's for most entries.

    By early spring, all tradelines included in 13Bk were accurately reporting zero balance, nothing past due, statused as part of BK.....that probably accounts for the move from the mid500's to really low 600's (BK and all tradlines with 13 Bk will fall off next spring)

    another factor for increases this spring.....
    Prior to really understanding how to get the biggest bang for the buck with an offer to pay in full for deletions, I paid off an acct in collections for $180. it is now showing paid. I plan to try the nutcase letter for paid collections to try to get it removed, just haven't got there yet. but getting it paid probably helped my score some.

    This spring, I also asked for goodwill adjustment from JC Penney, who was not part of BK, asking them to remove two late pay 60 days from 97. That worked by sending a letter, used variation of letter posted on the board. they were my only late other than my mortgage , exluding those included in BK

    Also in Spring, addressed CA account that had been statused to collections ...was from Calvary Investments, it was an account that was already listed under BK. It was deleted as a duplicate on all except EQ (I have disputed that one with CRA and am due reply this week.) I think that helped a lot.

    I also worked on getting a goodwill removal of late pays as recent as 2001 from my Mortgage Company. Getting those changed to a pays as agreed helped about 20 points. This posted to all except EXP in end of May.

    Target started reported LOC of $700 with $30 balance 15 days after receiving card in MidMay. Also got listed in May as AU on daughter's BofA with $1500 LOC and $300 balance.

    Also have a Sallie Mae loan for my daughter's college start reporting in January. In June, it went from an unknown, too new to rate , to a reporting of pays as agreed. that is showing as installment loa of 6K.

    I do not have any other balances other than Target, Bof A as AU, SallieMae loan, and mortgage. Mortgage is 8 years old, so my changes are probably related some to the cleanup of what's there, and some to getting some tradelines positively reporting a LOC and low ratio on utilization.

    My next goals:
    <<I have not yet written by CRRR to any of the OC's that were part of BK. All of my correspondence thus far has been through the CRA's. I am going to work that angle by sending the nutcase letter and see if I can get them wondering if they are reporting something inaccurately ...balance? last payment date? etc...and see if they will delete rather than risking a violation. Remember, they cannot pull an inquiry to verify what they are reporting. they all have a discharge with the 13BK since Dec2001.

    I also am going to taget getting a collection removed that is being reported by Unique Collections for a library fine from '99. Plan to use the fact that they are not bonded by state of TX as required (see thread by Killer) . This should have a big impact on the score since it is always noted, along with the BK, as one of the two most negative reasons why score is low (looking at FICO on CreditWatch, and on CreditExpert- Experian.)

    Hope this helps some. it wasn't a "by the CreditNetters book" way to go about it, because I made some mistakes along the way in my dispute attempts, but it does let you know what I've done so far, and what I'm going to work on next.
  15. Maggie75

    Maggie75 Well-Known Member

    correction BK discharged !!

    correction: I just reread through my thread to SueDan and noticed that I had said the 13BK was DISMISSED.

    Of course, I meant to say it was DISCHARGED, meaning I met the terms of my agreement with the 13BK Trustee's office.
  16. suedan217

    suedan217 Well-Known Member

    Thank you. That is a very good success story. Perseverance pays off in the end. The worse thing on my report is a judgement that I got when I was a lot younger and more stupid. I just like hearing of how people have risen out of the doldrums. Good luck with everything in the future.
  17. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member


    You have made wonderful strides, congrats!! Think of where you will be when all of the BK stuff falls off. I think some members said that theirs fell off a little early so that may be something to look out for.

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