Fico Giveth and Fico Taketh Away

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Calypso, Nov 16, 2002.

  1. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Before, when there was an issue re CL, after numerous complaints (and a call from LKH, I believe) they corrected the no limit problems with experian. But now it is just not updating.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    4*Who knows, maybe someday we WILL figure it out! LOL!
    4*What's so LOL? I figgured it out long ago.

    LB 59
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    It's a crazy game but it is kind of fun to play
    You can't play games with these crooks and win.

    LB 59
  4. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member

    Sorry, LB, but yes you can, just be quicker and smarter...

    Any game you go into thinking you can't win, you will lose.
    Unlike you, I know that I can beat these idiots at the game, they are really stupid!

  5. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    How about a fun board game called "Fi-GO"
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Awwwwwww, did you have to quote him? If you don't quote him, I can't see him. :)

  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*Sorry, LB, but yes you can, just be quicker and smarter...
    2*Any game you go into thinking you can't win, you will lose.
    3* I know that I can beat these idiots at the game, they are really stupid!
    1*2*There is no way to win this one because they change the rules when ever they want.
    3*I t's really a con job not a game.
  8. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member


    Noboby said the game wasn't rigged, nobody said it was a fair game (good pun, eh!).

    We can agree to disagree, I will win at the game and you can lose if you want to. Hell, I already have won, I took my terrible credit and in a few years turned it into a FICO of 802. If that isn't winning I don't know what is!

  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    LB, <>1*Noboby said the game wasn't rigged, nobody said it was a fair game
    2*(good pun, eh!).
    3*I already have won, I took my terrible credit and in a few years turned it into a FICO of 802. If that isn't winning I don't know what is!
    1*We're the fair game.2* another good pun.
    3*But how long will it last? One reporting error with one keystroke and it's down the tubes again.The battle's not over yet so you really haven't won the war.
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I was denied this morning for the following reasons:
    net fraction revolving burden
    Here is another reason your 802 don't mean much and why the war is never won.
    Like I said they change the rules when ever they please and use the change against you.

    LB 59
  11. racer7949

    racer7949 Well-Known Member

    Remember that it is possible for your score to change even though there is no difference in your credit report because your FICO score is a comparative calculation against millions of other credit users, rather than a calculation of a fixed set of standards.

    Periodically, the score formula is validated against the database and tweaked to maintain accuracy. Maybe the validation finds that credit users with 5 bankcards are defaulting at a rate of 10% rather than the previous 1%. When they tweak the score to reflect this, all of the innocent 5-bankcard-holders who have done nothing wrong and who previously had higher scores will suddenly get a "Too many bankcards" negative reason and a corresponding score drop.

    So to keep your score the highest, you have to chase the database, and alter your credit behavior to match those in the database who cause credit providers the fewest lossses, rather than manage your credit in the way that makes the most financial sense.

    (Note that all this is only what I have inferred from my research.)
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*Periodically, the score formula is validated against the database and tweaked to maintain accuracy. Maybe the validation finds that credit users with 5 bankcards are defaulting at a rate of 10% rather than the previous 1%. When they tweak the score to reflect this, all of the innocent 5-bankcard-holders who have done nothing wrong and who previously had higher scores will suddenly get a "Too many bankcards" negative reason and a corresponding score drop.

    2*So to keep your score the highest, you have to chase the database, and alter your credit behavior to match those in the database who cause credit providers the fewest lossses, rather than manage your credit in the way that makes the most financial sense.
    1* this can happen so quickly and so often that it is really inposible for No. 2* to keep up with No.1*

    LB 59
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    It's more Taketh than Giveth !
  14. JohnM

    JohnM Well-Known Member


    Does it really kill you that I am happy with my credit and think that I have â??wonâ?? You are correct my 802 doesnâ??t mean a thing to you, but to me it means a lot. It makes me happy and thatâ??s what matters.

    I don't believe I have ever seen a single â??positiveâ? post from you. When others say congratulations, I know I can always count on you to point out the rain cloud on the horizon. Are you really as miserable and argumentative in real life as you are here? I wondered why you got put on so many peoples ignore list and now I know why.

    Go on fight your wars that you can never win, go do your witty starred lists, be as miserable as you want, but I just put you on ignore, so tata!

  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*Does it really kill you that I am happy with my credit and think that I have â??wonâ??
    2*You are correct my 802 doesnâ??t mean a thing to you, but to me it means a lot.
    3*It makes me happy and thatâ??s what matters.
    4*Are you really as miserable and argumentative in real life as you are here?
    5*I wondered why you got put on so many peoples ignore list and now I know why.
    6*Go on fight your wars that you can never win,
    go do your witty starred lists, be as miserable as you want,
    7*but I just put you on ignore, so tata!
    1*I didn't say that so where did you get this idea?
    2*thst isn't what I meant.
    4*No,but I will state what I know.
    5*I don't think you really do.
    6*Has nothing to do with me.
    7*Go ahead,but it don't change the facts about the subject.BUDGET HOMES CO.
  16. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    That's why after a certain point I can't worry about scores. I am not going to behave in a way that doesn't make financial sense if I can help it. I, along w/ everyone else, want a good, no an excellent, score but it seems like after a certain point in the 700s for EQ and EX (I don't even know what to do w/ TU since the fako goes over 900), it's all about minute tinkering. And if someone like George who has never paid a bill late in over 24 years while actively using credit seems to stay stuck in the 700 range it seems to get very arbitrary to get to the 800s and stay there. I hope that I am making sense but my overall point is that I personally do not believe in behaving somewhat irrationally financially just to appease the FICO system.
  17. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Very good post Mandy.
    What you said bears out the fact that scoring is a method to gauge profitibility rather than an indicator of ones credith worth.
    Most likely everyone including bankers and other creditors.would benefit if both credit reports and scoring were abandoned.

  18. slppryslp

    slppryslp Well-Known Member

    racer, I'm curious where you got your info about them tweaking the scores based on a sample.

    Calypso, from what many reliable sources have told me, its best to have $1 as a balance on your accounts, not 0. It probably differentiates you from the people who sock drawered the cards.

    The irony here is that the more I learn about FICO, the More I think we are headed for a deep recession.
  19. Nestea

    Nestea Well-Known Member

    Re: Fico Giveth and Fico Taketh Awa

    Best Post Award!!!!!!!!!!
  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You can't win. The "accurate snapshot" of my credit at a given point in time does not exist.
    The law says information in reports must be accurate;
    Fico gets around this because there are no rules governing accurate interpretation or application of the info.

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