Fico point question ?14 med collec

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by toolhound, Oct 3, 2002.

  1. toolhound

    toolhound Well-Known Member

    I had to pay off 14, yes 14 medical collections from the same CA assigned in 2001 . My score is 527 .In your expert opinion's were can I hope to be point wise after they showed up paid on my credit file . I will start disputing them later. Thanks Toolhound
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I hate to tell you this, but, if you were at 527 before you paid them, you will be at 527 after they show as paid. The fico models consider paid collections to be just as bad as unpaid. The mere mention of a collection acct, paid or not, is crippling to a credit score.
  3. toolhound

    toolhound Well-Known Member

    I asked them to report as payed as agreed and they told me that there was nothing being paid as like loan payments . Is there something that they can report to make it a better score? I know on one of my reports it shows up as credit card ?
  4. mark

    mark Well-Known Member

    probably not, because it is still a 'collection account'
    personally, and Im sure Ill get flamed for this..I will not pay a CA who has placed an account for collection on my report unless they agree to delete.
    If they wont delete, then it will stay there for 7 years, or until I can dispute it off.

    It's pointless...I made the mistake of thinking it would help me, it never did. I wasted a few grand before I realized it.
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    When did you pay these?

    And did you pay them all at once?
  6. toolhound

    toolhound Well-Known Member

    I was served papers and I was to go to court Tuesday . That was $680.00 and I payed that today. The rest is $1300.00 and I post dated two checks to have them payed off by the end of the month . I'am trying to get a morgage by the end of the year because I will probley get layed off from Boeing in March . I would probley have to have them cleared to obtain a morgage anyway , right ?
  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Did they ask you for the postdated checks or did you offer?
  8. toolhound

    toolhound Well-Known Member

    They asked for them . One on 10/17 and one on 11/01
  9. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Good question LKH!
    They also have to send a "reminder" that they are going to cash those post dated checks.
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    § 808. Unfair practices [15 USC 1692f]

    A debt collector may not use unfair or unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect any debt. Without limiting the general application of the foregoing, the following conduct is a violation of this section:

    (1) The collection of any amount (including any interest, fee, charge, or expense incidental to the principal obligation) unless such amount is expressly authorized by the agreement creating the debt or permitted by law.

    (2) The acceptance by a debt collector from any person of a check or other payment instrument postdated by more than five days unless such person is notified in writing of the debt collector's intent to deposit such check or instrument not more than ten nor less than three business days prior to such deposit.
  11. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    BINGO!!! My DH filed against a CA in January for this exact thing. We did 4 postdated checks(over 4 weeks) and they NEVER sent a "reminder", they also NEVER spoke to hubby and it was HIS debt.....
  12. toolhound

    toolhound Well-Known Member

    I asked about this and they said they would never do such a thing "ya right " I just check and they have these collections as "credit card individual " ?

    AFFILIATED HEALTH SERVICES 5284686 $52 03/01/2002 Charge Card, Individual
  13. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    You have the perfect dispute. "I have never applied for nor have I ever had any charge acct or other acct with this company."
  14. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    That won't work LKH.

    This designation is what WK uses to identify the acct. as "open".

    If you look at your TU report it doesn't say Charge Card, so it's strictly a WK thing.

    I'm just wondering why Toolhound, though having been here since 1/02, just chose to go pay all this stuff instead of following the boards procedures for isolating those that can be proven from those that can't.

  15. toolhound

    toolhound Well-Known Member

    Good question . I have have had many thing's deleted since I have been participating . I felt like I could afford to pay these charges to get them off my back , since there was court action . I need to see some immediate changes on my credit file . I figure I would take up this fight after I payed them off . I have a $50,000 bill in the balance on a L/O on a house . I feel more pressure to get a decent morgage rate now and work on getting these deleted tomorrow . My banker told me that recent collection's have to be payed off before I can close . I hope you see my side of this . Your advice is true and I will use it in my next fight !!
  16. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I missed the notworthknowing part. LOL

    I don't have any negs to look at on my reports, but I do recall having a collection listed as an installment accnt in the past, although it may have been Exp. and not TU.

    If that is what WK uses it is incorrect. And, being they are a seller of info, I wonder if they could be liable under the FCRA for not providing "complete and accurate info"? Just a thought.

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