fico score after discharge bk

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ctt, May 10, 2005.

  1. ctt

    ctt Member

    My husband had his 3 cr pulled to check FICO scores after discharge of chapter 13. as of 5/10/05 his scores are 562, 611, 622 is this good for a bk. Discharged date was 4/29/05 will his scores drop or climb higher. All 3 cr show the discharge,but no date is listed on tu. Should just let his cr rest for a while or should we start disputing negatives. I did dispute a medical collections online this morning.because it was paid by insurance co. TIA
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    its never too soon to start.

    keep in mind that your score will fluctuate. sometimes it will drop because you lost age. or it will go up because a TL changed.

    don't focus on a score just yet - focus on a clean report. the rest will come.

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