Fico score ?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charaty, Sep 13, 2005.

  1. charaty

    charaty Member

    I have been doing some HEAVY cleanup over the past few months in prep for a construction loan. My friend is the broker and can pull for me, but of course it's a hard pull.
    Normally I wouldn't have a problem with that buuuttttt.... a local auto dealership made 7 unauthorized hard inquiries that i'm fighting like HELL to get removed. I've contacted the dealership (like they're gonna admit they broke the law??!?!) the bureaus and today mailed off the letters to each individual company they pulled through.
    My friend actually found the pulls (we have been trying to get this loan since July) and knows we've been working on it. (what really sucks is that we were approved for a property loan with a 621 a month or so before that, and the inquiries were all that had changed)
    Where is the best place to get a accurate picture of all three scores? Thanks!

  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Well, the best place is at That is the "acid test" of scores. Usually any other scoring model gives you an artificially high number.

    Go to, before you pull your scores, CALL fico, and ask for any "promo discounts", or look on these websites. Might as well try to save a few dollars.

    As for the inquiries, make sure you have all your evidence for the disputes. The fico scoring should tell you what has counted against you.

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