Would like to know where can i get my all three scores for a good price? I went to fico.com and they want 15 bucks for each score? I have seen all my reports recently but lack my scores. What website out there is good for this?
FICO.com is really the only place to get your "true" score. Any other is referred to as a "FAKO", or an artificial score. You may want to call myfico and ask about any promotions going on. They will give you a "promo code" to enter upon purchasing. I know $15 per score adds up when your anxiously repairing, and want to know how you're improving. But...FICO is the only way to go. So, try to find a discount promo code, then only pull scores when you know significant changes have taken place. Again, any other scores are realyy a waste of your money.