Stupid me, did not respond to the 28 day notice. So I wrote letter to court to grant me 60 days to validate and research in my defense. I noted that plaintiff's attorney asked for 21% per annum. In Oh it is only 10% for credit cards. Attorney asked that judgement go back to 4/2001. I noted my Equifax reported 5/2001 last day of activity with a payment being made 8/2002. Attorney only filed what seems is his record of collection efforts and dates. I noted this did not validate nor verify a debt was owed. Anyone think I stand a chance?
If the judgement has been entered by default, then you have to do something to try and vacate the judgement....go to the courthouse, they'll give you a copy of the judgement, then go from there........
You can go to the "How To Answer A Lawsuit" link on my website. If the DOLA is actually the chargeoff date, your first delinquency would be about 6 Months before that, you MAY be able to claim SOL. (4 years in Ohio for cc debt)