Finally a human at a CRA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lwg8tr, Feb 28, 2002.

  1. lwg8tr

    lwg8tr Well-Known Member

    Had worked real hard a cleaning up the wifeys reports. I had a clean TU after a very successful round of disputes. Well got denied by Chase and went online to check her report. A collection account that was deleted 2 weeks ago was showing up there again. Jeez!!! I called the CA that reinserted and read them the riot act. They had capitualted through my Intent to Sue fax that I sent a month ago and said they were going to delete. Well the rep could'nt find my account. I called TransUnion and the first rep I spoke with said. "Well I see it was deleted but reinserted two days ago". How freaking observant of her. I probed a little more and she said well Mr. XXXX we did delete two weeks ago but the TAPE we get from this CA came in a showed your wife's account on there so we had to reinsert. Well she put me on hold and hung up. Blood pressure was at 200/150. I called back and got someone in their Pennsylvania service unit. A real nice gal. I explained to her the situation. She asked me to hold, she said this may take a while. 10 minutes lates she came on explained everyting. She said yes the account TAPE they recieved two weeks ago did show my wife's account deleted, but the tape loaded two days ago had a reference to the account. She agreed the whole process was screwy. She said she had spoken with her supervisor and the account will be deleted immediateley and that because their was no 5 day notice of reinsertion they would be blocking the account permanantely..Whahooo!!!! The wifey's score went from 596 to 676 from one 2 year old collection. The moral of the story..I think is... fight for every deletion...good is not good enough...perfect is the only option. Too bad all the creditors I seemed to run into here in Florida seem to pull 2 reports.

    Equ 619 Exp690 TU676
  2. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Any chance you could email me the "nice girls" phone number, my hubby is having the same problem with a deleted then reinserted repo. TY!!!
  3. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    You should also be able to get rid of the denied Chase inquiry. They owe you that much since they didn't give you the 5days notice of reinsertion.
  4. lwg8tr

    lwg8tr Well-Known Member

    Have disputed inquies online but they never show as in dispute and I never get back anything from TU. Maybe a CRRR letter with the disputes will work.

    Now if anyone can find a successful way to get Equifax inquiries off. That would be a miracle!

    As far as who I talked to, I did'nt get her name..I was so pis*ed off at the time.
  5. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member


    Please tell how your hubby got repo deleted.
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Killer its a long story that I dont want to post I can email it to you, basically it was on technicalities and the dealer broke A LOT of laws.
  7. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    Please email please! Thx

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