I recently received a letter from NCO (responding to my validation letter) telling me they would contact the CRA's and remove the incorrect listing (only on Eq), and I had one item on Equifax that was 7 years old in May. Those were my last 2 items on any of my reports, the rest (TU and Ex) were completely clean. Well I gave the "system" a month+ to receive and update the NCO account, and I just got anxious and pulled my reports. The NCO letter was in fact sent to Eq as they promised, and Equifax did their job and deleted the listing. AND the (7yr) May item was removed a month early. I am just giddy. Equifax is now clean, so now all 3 of my reports are squeaky clean ('cept for inquiries!!!! Thanks everyone for all the help correcting and the rebuilding. I could not have done it without you all. -Peace, Dave PS LKH you are a big part of the help I needed and got, I hope you will hang around.
Congrats Dave I remember way back when you were first starting this. I am glad to see you have reached your goal
I'm jealous too! Just curious - how long did it take from when you started and what are your scores now? Enquiring minds want to know GT
Thanks everyone for the kind words. As I said I could not have done this without this board and I am really grateful to all the people here. Erica, you are right it feels like a loooooong journey, but actually it was not that bad of a trip...it took me almost exactly 1 year. I joined Junum 3/20/2001 with 29 Derogatory items cancelled Junum in 9/6/2001 with 6 derogs left Got down to 2 left on Eq in 10/21/2001 And clean today 4/11/2002 1 year and 1 month after. YeeeeHaaaaaw. -Peace, Dave
wowOwowwwwwwwwwww Dave, Congratulations!!!!!!! You're such a nice guy, it's well deserved, enjoy it! Sassy
Congrats Nave !!! That is outstanding. I hope you stick around to help those who are new here. Best regards, Jim
Thanks Sassy, Jim, Charlie, and Breeze....LOL soap commercial Charlie, I have not pulled myFico score yet after the recent 2 deletions. I was gonna wait till I reduce some excessive balances. My cap1 card does not report limit and I have taken advantage of some low interest balance transfer offers, so my bal/limit ratio is high. My scores that I know: Experian via CE = 735 TU via TU = 672 #1 reason is excessive balances on revolving credit #2 length of time revolving accounts have been established is too short #3 too many recent inquiries (I have like 1 or 2 on each report) At least no more #1 reason: derogatory listings...Now they pick on other reasons to tell me I am not worthy . -Peace, Dave