finally over

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sweet21510, Apr 9, 2002.

  1. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    I just remembered a really funny thing that happened. the trustee said we were excused but we still had to talk to Sears. After finishing talking to sears my husband turned and started back in and I asked him "Where are you going?" and his reply was "I'm going back so I can get my discharge." I laughed and told him that wasn't going to happen until June.
  2. Dolly

    Dolly Well-Known Member

    I am in the midst of clearing my credit. Who is Jack Shroud mentioned in your email?
  3. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    are you sure you have the right poster? I haven't emailed anyone, but will be glad to help you in what way I can...
  4. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    I think she meant in the post Sweet, someone else mentioned him a couple of posts up
  5. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member

    Jack Schrold is an attorney in Ft. Laduerdale, FL that offers credit repair services.
  6. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I never thought I would post a positive thing about Jack Scrold, but here goes. I retained him several months ago when I felt I had reached a lull in doing this myself. They were HORRIBLE to work with. THeir administration of your case will absolutely suck (i.e. "we never got it", "we didn't send in a dispute because you didn't tell us to" "we didn't send in a dispute because we still don't have a copy of your drivers license" "are you our client?") Seriously, there were issues like this the whole time. You send in a packet of info that is key to the whole process this includes all of the information that they later are unable to find. They deal in paper files; so, if you have a question, they have to physically find your file. My husband's file was missing for over 2 months while they looked for it. Their employees are rude! Their receptionist barely speaks English. They do not return phone calls. You will be 100% in the dark the whole time--you don't know what they disputed or why the whole time.

    Having said all of that......THEY GOT RESULTS!!! They only submitted 1 round of disputes in a 4 month time frame for my husband. He got 3 deletions on accounts I had worked to get deleted for over a year. For me, on round #1 they got a bk that was 18 months old deleted along with 3 other accounts. So in round #1 they got 6 accounts & 1 public record deleted. Not bad! I had already fired them before I got the results. I was just so frustrated with their service.

    I decided Lexington was much more savvy and would a better deal--you know, web based, personal rep, blah blah blah. These guys suck! We are now 3 months into it. One dispute has been filed. Two of the three CRA's swore they never got it and the other one called the whole dispute "frivolous." Everything is done USPS so there is no record of anything. They are toast as of today.
  7. callippso

    callippso Well-Known Member

    Just wondering what ended up happening with sears and you?
    I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.....

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