After 8 months of waiting (and teeth biting, pacing, crying, being up all night), I FINALLY closed on my house. I was forced into a quick move last week after I didn't close on my first close date and my apartment complex rented my apartment from under me. I was done moving at 2:30am and had to be at work the next day at 7:30am. I'm STILL trying to recover. But it's been totally worth it I love the idea of walking into MY home. I have loads of space and the kitties are adjusting well. Thanks to everyone on this board for their help in the last year, getting all my ducks in a row so that I could obtain a mortgage. Thanks to Fla-tan for sheparding everything through.
SweetnSas Again, Congratulations on being a homeowner again. And I am elated that I was able to assist you in your endeavor. Please enjoy your home for many years to come (it does look beautiful from the appraisal pictures). Also, don't be a stranger to us. Your help and assistance can be invaluable to many others who are here now and who have yet to discover this fantastic resource. BTW.............when's the house warming PARTY!!!!!!! LOL......... fla_tan
Congratulations SweetnSas on the new home!! Enjoy it!! I'll bring the HOT sauce for the party. Charlie
Congratulations!!!! I really think it is time for me to purchase my first home, but I am SO afraid!! Economy, job security, home mortgage process, downpayment......... I guess it is time for me to study old posts... Congrats again!
congratulations! Wow. what is up with that..... do you secretly have a red cape (Superwoman), I think I would have called off.... I would still be doing the happy dance around the house
Azur24 Don't be afraid to look into purchasing a home. Talk to a good mortgage person and see what you can qualify for and what types of programs are out there. fla-tan
Thank you, thank you everyone. Uniondiva - I WOULD have called off too but unfortunately, we are in the middle of this MAJOR MAJOR implementation this Friday and I'd taken off the Friday and Monday BEFORE I closed! THEN, I had to "suddenly" take off that Wednesday to move so I was already REALLY pushing it. My manager didn't even deduct that Wed from my time off so I didn't want to chance it. Not to mention, I left early on Thu and Fri (house related deliveries) and worked on Sat. So it's been go go go. I just had an unpack party yesterday so my friends could help...they all want to have a REAL one so anything to help the cause! Anyhow, I'm off to work (yes, it's Sun here too). No rest for the weary. Fla-tan - if I can get unpacked, I might have the party in 2 weeks. Send up a shrimp plate! Or better yet - bring it! ;-) You know the address!
Sassy, I'm so happy for you!!!!! Really, really good news - and we love to hear things like this! May your new home be all that you want and need and more! Mommy2cats
Mommy2Cats, Thank you and for the card too!!!!!! I'm not the same as SweetandSas though though I'm thrilled for her and the new house as well. Congrats to you, I know that's a long road! Sweet, did you by chance used to post as Shantel with the great rising from subprime hell tagline that I loved? I thought you were the same. You're the BEST, Mommy2Cats, I'm keeping your well wishes because they made me feel good and grin, LOL, I just wanted to let you know I'm not moving, now that Sweet has a new house I may get motivated to paint a few rooms ;-) Congrats all around! Sassy
wowOwowwwwwwwwwwww shantel!!!!!!!! That makes it ALL the sweeter. I am thrilled for you, thrilled! From the depths of subprime hell and still I rise -- you have risen indeed! Sassy