Fire in apartment - Skip Chase

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dgj77, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. dgj77

    dgj77 Well-Known Member

    I have posted here a month ago, numerous times about my incident in the apartment complex. Well, for those who have read, i got a letter from Skip Chase that says that due to bad debt status of the account, we may recommend that the following action be taken
    1_ a report to three national credit bureaus reflecting a bad debt
    2 _ the filing of a lawsuit by our client to recover above amount, court costs, attorney fees and interest. wage garnishment in states that allow such

    Remit payment to : SKI CHASE

    ANd on the back there is a mini miranda

    Now, I have not received a bill itemizing the damages by fire.water and thee asses from the complex gave it to the ca right away

    Interesting thong: THe letter is dated June 25 and sent to the ADDRESS of my apartment complex (old one)
    then it was forwarded to me, and i just got it

    Where do i start, and how do i attack this situation. Please help me guys.

    Now, point 2nd, i dont think the CLIENT (apartment complex) intends to sue me, cause their lawyer told them that they cant get much out of me, so these sleezebags just gave this to SKIP CHASE

    any suggestions would be greatly apreciated

    thanks guys

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