I finally received my discharge papers on Monday. My bankruptcy was officially discharged on 3/11/02. In 10 years it will be off my record and a distant memory. Today I received my first credit card offer and I was a bit amazed. It's from First Premier Bank and it's offering me an unsecured card with a fixed 9.9% APR (which isn't bad) plus a one-time program fee of $95, a one-time set up fee of $29, an annual fee of $48 and a monthly participation fee of $6. So for the honor of having a brand spanky new Gold MasterCard with a credit limit ranging from $250 to $1000, I get charge of $178 on my account and $6 per month no matter if I have a balance or not. Makes me kinda wonder if it's a good deal. I've read through all of the posts on First Premier and folks either like them or loathe them. I'd be willing to consider them if I knew if A) they would be willing to waive the monthly fees up front before I activated the card and B) they would eliminate the annual fee after the first year. I'd also like to know how good are they about credit increases. I don't need a huge credit limit, but 2-3K would make me very happy. Any thoughts on First Premier woud be welcomed EQ 652 TU 627 EX 612
I have first premier. The fees that they are quoting you seem very high. I would just wait to see what else comes in the mail before I would accept them. I have a secured with them and I am not overly enthused nor disappointed with them. However, it seems to take a long time for them to process payments so if you do get the card send them in early.
I hear people say that although expensive, First Premier is legit for the most part. I would click on Cap One secured Visa - $500 limit for $99 deposit. That was my main first step after my Chap 13 in 1996. I still have them today and although they start out with slow increases and low limits, they don't hit you with bad charges. I would rather have a 13.9% ann rate than a 9.99% then $6 each month - no matter what. But, you are just out of the gate! Congrats! Now rebuild slowly and carefully - life is now going to be easier and better. best regards - dogman
I wish I could apply for a Cap One card, but I included them in my bankruptcy. I'm the last person they'd want to see at the moment. I am considering FCNB, but that means I'll need to put aside some cash first to secure the card. Plus the interest rate will be much higher and they use the two cycle billing system.
This exact card was my first out ok Bk7. The will waive annual fee's if you call rentention. A limit of 2-3K with FP? HA!! You'll need 3 of their cards for 6 years. These guys are VERY conservative.