I have received my first letter from a CA. After reading here many of the posts I have some technical questions I hope can be answered. 1. The name of the Organization is on the Left side of the letter and it says something like ABC cash Systems and their address 2. On the right hand side it says "A COLLECTION AGENCY" and their phone and fax number. The reason I am getting into this is that I cannot find thier name as a licensed collection Agency in the State of AZ where they reside. Now if they are STATING they are "A Collection Agency" do they not HAVE TO BE Licensed and bonded since they state right in their letter they are a collection agency? I ask this because AZ "EXEMPTS" alot of organizations from having to get a license and bond like ATTORNEYs but I thought anyone trying to collect ie like an attorney MUST identify themselves correctly ie as an attorney. 3. In the letter they have my name incorrectly spelled? 4. They also say "CONTACT THIS OFFICE TO VERIFY THE ABOVE and PAY THE DEBT" Is this not a violation of some of the FED rules?? 5. It also states in middle of the body "This letter is from a debt collector" if they are not licensed or bonded can they even state this??? 6. Then they have the miranda stuff at bottom BUT it is not exact qoute from the Fed Statute it is all turned around and actually hard to understand. I ask the above questions because I have sent my first Validation letter with NO RESPONSE and it is getting close to the 30 day limit and want to send a second HARDER worded validation letter. Since this "Oraganizatoin" states they are a collection agency can I then say in the second letter you are not licensed or bonded and currently in violation to AZ law?? They maybe attorneys and "EXEMPT" but then how can they identify themselves as " A collection Agency" without having a license and bond? I smell a rat here and nny advice appreciated. Thanks SKIDODDLE
No on both accounts but will that stop the CA I do not think so. They propably will not come back with anything then report to the CRAs SKI
They probably will do just that, but until you let them do it, you have no legal basis to even get the case into court for a decision. In particular, you want to notify the CA, in writing, CRRR, that you dispute the debt in its entirety, that it is not your debt, and that you request validation of the debt, within 30 days of receiving their first letter, to preserve your rights. If you do, they cannot assume the debt is valid, and continue collection activity, until they obtain validation from the original creditor and send it to you.