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Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by markman, Mar 11, 2002.

  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Where folks get hung up on the 30 day bit is they think it applies to the debter whereas it really applies to the CA!
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*Wouldn't it be easier instead?
    2*Why use that letter to force them to VAl.a debt that you don't want them to prove?

    The original Val L. tells a CA what is required to Validate.
  3. markman

    markman Well-Known Member

    I went ahead and canceled Junum today! I hope I am doing the right thing...:)

    I have also prepared validation letters for the collection agency and the banks using the one posted on the site.

    I am not sure what letter to use for the accounts that I have already paid, and report as paid/charge offs though. Does anybody have any available?

    Thank you for all the responses!

  4. robin

    robin Well-Known Member


    I say validate you have nothing to lose. The best that can happen is you create a paper trail and then use it dispute with cra's and get an immediate deletion. The worst that can happen is they illegaly try to re-age the accounts in which case you sue them (and they will probably settle out of court for $$$ and a deletion anyway). I know this is ot but if you don't mind me asking what line of business are you in (your own biz).
  5. markman

    markman Well-Known Member

    I really don't want to end up in court over these (suing them or them suing me). All will fall of my reports next year anyway. I was just hoping to make the process faster.

    It is consulting for carriers, providers and large businesses, now building or expanding their internetworking infrastructure. Are you interested?..:)

    Thank you!
  6. robin

    robin Well-Known Member


    I really think it couldn't hurt to just go through the validation process. The thing is it usually doesn't have to come to the lawsuit faze because many times they won't be able to validate especially when the accounts are so old and then the credit reporting agencies will be legally responsible for deleting it. It is just an option to speed things up for you. Also, your business sounds very interesting. I too am interested in starting my own business and so I am always interested in learning about ohter peoples business ideas especially when they have been successful as it appears you have been.

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