First Premier Bank Gold Master Card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jr, Feb 17, 2002.

  1. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    New gold card but it still has too many fee's. I hear they have over 2 million credit card customers. They must make a fortune with all those fee's. Here is the link for any one that is interested , The gold card looks similar to a Capital One Gold Card. I don't have a First Premier card but I wonder if they would upgrade their current customers to this new gold card?
  2. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    These guys gave me my first card. After a year the fee's were 90% of the limit because these guys give LOW limits. A 1K limit is alot for them. With all those customers and all the fee's these guys have to be making a bundle. No matter if your using the card or not there still making $$$ off of you.

    When I tried to get them to upgrade the card, they could only kill the monthly fee or the annual fee.
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    This also was my first card. I have gotten them to wave the monthly fee (before activating), wave the annual fee, credit increase and my interest rate is now at 9.9%for the life of the card. Believe it or not, it's my lowest rate.
  4. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    At least this card doesn't look quite as cheesy as Marin's gold Visa, though...

  5. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member


    If you don't mind me asking, how long did you have the card before you were able to get them to waive fees/lower interest rate? Did you do this via phone or letter? Thanks.
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: LKH-

    They waived the fees before I enabled the card. The annual fee and apr were reduced at the 1 year mark. Everything was done by phone.
  7. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    Another gold - United Trust

    They also have this United Trust card. It's a gold MC but the interest rate is 9.9%

    Annual Percentage Rate for Purchases 9.9%

    APR for Cash Advance 18.9% and Penalty APR 18.9% for Purchases

    Penalty Pricing Information: If your Account goes past the due date two times in any six month period or goes past the due date for two consecutive billing cycles, the APR will increase to 18.9%. The APR will be reduced back to 9.9% if the Account is kept current for 3 consecutive months or is paid in full.

    I called and asked about both converting to them if you have any other FPB account. You have to apply for them as new customers or wait for an offer in the mail (forever?)

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Another gold - United Trust

    Processing Fee: $19.95
    (one-time fee), Acceptance Fee:
    $119.00 (one-time fee) Annual
    Fee: $50.00, Participation Fee:
    $72.00 Annually*, Additional
    Card Fee: $20.00 Annually
    The 9.90% is great...BUT the rest of the fees are a JOKE...

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