First Premier

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bopem, Jun 19, 2002.

  1. bopem

    bopem Well-Known Member


    I am a new member here. I have damaged credit and I was just approved for a First Premier credit card. I wanted some infor from anyone here who has used or uses First Premier. They claim to help you straighted out your credit (as long as you pay your bill, of course). Is that true, or did I make a bad decision? Thanks alot.
  2. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board, bopem. I wouldn't say you made a bad decision; just understand that while First Premier does what they say they do regarding positive tradeline reporting, they charge fees out the wazoo and give miserly credit line increases. A secured card from Capital One would offer much more growth potential, but either way you've made a step in the right direction :)

  3. bopem

    bopem Well-Known Member


    I knew about the horrible credit line increases. I don't plan to use it for purchases that often. My plan is to simply make the mothly payments, maybe give them a little more than whats due, and have them report that to the credit agencies. Maybe in a year or so, my credit will have improved enough so that I can get a better card. We will see how it goes :)
  4. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    That's pretty much what they do in terms of reporting. They do have lots of annoying $5 for you to do an online payment via their web site. But I guess that's better than Fedex or Western Union fees if your due date is upcoming. One nice thing is that they don't seem to call you trying to peddle some kind of "value added" service...or maybe it's because I don't answer my phone? ;-)

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