First Primier Credit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Dec 3, 2001.

  1. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,
    Does anyone use this card...I've had them for a year and a half, have asked twice for limit increases on-line and have been limit is 250...sad...but I need them to report on my credit, anyone elses experience with them would be appreciated...thanx
  2. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Hey Soup, good question. Would like to know the answer myself as I have just gotten a card with them.
  3. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    No experience, but felt that they charge too man fees for me to get the card...same thing for their other product Centenniel. I just canot get with paying a monthly participaton fee to hold someone's credit card. Too quirky for me...
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately when I got the card I didn't have a choice, I needed to start somewhere and now I'm stuck in sub-prime world trying to make the most of it and getting the limit kicked up because it's been a positive tradeline for 18months...I guess my strategy is trying to make better subprime cards by being a good customer, although it's not working...
  5. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    I have this card. Yes, the fees are outrageous, but if you are rebuilding I think that comes w/ the territory, unfortunately.

    However, I did receive a CL of 750 initially, made my payments on time, and received an increase (100$) at 6 months.

    I will say this: they have an odd way of calculating APR bi-yearly. The last interest rate that I had was nearly highway robbery.

    Again, good if rebuilding, but I do intend to cancel this card as soon as I can. Oh, they also offer payment by phone.
  6. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    a good rebuild card is capital one. their secured card has no application fee (a.k.a. processing fee), just $99 security which earns interest for u, AMF of like $30-$40 dollars, and no monthly "participation fee".. they report to all 3 CRA's every 30 days.
  7. keltexx

    keltexx Well-Known Member

    Actually, you might qualify for the Cap One Premier Visa that is not secured. I got a half-way decent CL and the interest rate is the best I have.
  8. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member


    what's the cap one premier card about? unsecured/secured? AMF? APR? base cr line?

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