First Time Mortgage

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by gpsmith, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. gpsmith

    gpsmith New Member

    Myself and my husband are looking at buying our very first home. We both have good credit. My scores range from 722 - 756 and his range from 708 - 788. On his Transunion report there are two collection accounts that were removed from both Experian and Equifax, but not TU. Do we need to have those removed to be approved for a mortgage or will our scores and income/available cash get us approved with a good rate.

  2. prissypoo

    prissypoo Well-Known Member

    Are the accounts paid or unpaid? If unpaid, what are the amounts?
  3. gpsmith

    gpsmith New Member

    One is from AT & T that was incorrectly reported - the other is not even my husband's. They both have balances. $200 and $600 repectively.
  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    Dispute these before you apply for your mortgage. Mortgage writers do not like to see "open debt". Though you look like you would be approved easily, it is still prudent to have the best credit report you can get.

    It is always sound advice to review your credit reports long before your make a major financial transaction. Dispute anything, and everything that is not 100% accurate.

    Follow the instructions for disputing that should be on your credit reports, or if you feel you need more information, post any questions you may have.

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