I have a few mortgage questions for you, if you dont mind! Hubby is going to Tampa this weekend for another Federal security postion. He applied for the "lead" which is management. The last job he was at for 1 1/2 years as management, so as long as he is staying in his field will it make it easier for a mortgage? Second question, we are utilizing a LOT of credit, BUT he is only authorized user on the biggies and the smaller ones we have no balances with. The only thing he is joint on are the cars ($12K for one $14 for the other). The CC's is JUST his name have no balances. His scores are below, would I be better off removing him from the high balance cards and having him apply alone for a mortgage? His income will be anywhere from $31-$41k. What would he qualify for? He has 2 unpaid CA's 1 on just EQU for $119 (4 years old), and the other on TU for $587 (2 years old). Please email me if you would need to know anything else. BTW Anythime I talk about mortgages everyone says talk to fla-tan so I'm assuming your a broker? Thank you SO much!
Anyone have any thoughts? Should I take him off as AU? How soon til it would be removedfrom his reports? I am mortgage stupid so someone please shed some light
KHM I will try to answer the questions as you wrote them. 1) If hubby is currently in the fed govt, then yes this will be continuity of position and that is a plus. 2) It will depend on what it makes his DTI as to whether you need to remove him from AU and how quickly the creditors will remove him from the account. 3) The unpaid collections will be very damaging to his getting an FHA or conventional mortgage, however, by paying them he should be able to qualify for FHA score wise. 4) Yes I am in the mortgage business and do mortgages for people. I would prefer that you email me with contact info if you wish to carry this further. I try not to do anything that could be construed as solicting business here, though several people have requested that I assist them. I hope you understand my hesitancy. fla-tan