FNANB Platinum

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mj, Apr 11, 2002.

  1. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    I'm really liking FNANB more and more ....

    I emailed them about upgrading my account (a classic card opened 1998, $1k starting limit, now $8.7k) .

    They responded with a Platinum upgrade, reduced APR (13.9%).

    It's not the lowest rate I have .. but close enough that I'll use it more.

    This is a very fair company that has been a pleasure to work with.

    If you have a damaged history and get a solicitation to accept, I'd recommend it.

  2. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    GREAT! FLEXIBLE Limit :)

    aarrff - dogman
  3. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    That's excellent mj

    I agree with you. They are not my best card, but keep me happy enough to want to keep them and want to use it regularly.

    Good strategy I say...rewards for good behavior instead of having to beg for rewards elsewhere.

    I just accepted the 0% for 3 months offer, so I will wait till then to ask for more.

    Congrats on the platinum, I will try that as well.

    -Peace, Dave

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