
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CR, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. CR

    CR Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone,

    I was wondering if I could get some help? Today, I received a call from FNCB (I called back and got the name but hung up before talking to anyone). Does anyone know anything about this company?

    I am assuming they are calling about an old debt (I know because she used my maiden name -- I got married in 1997).

    Any suggestions as to what I should do? Should I call them and ask for written validation of this debt? I don't want to open a huge can of worms but I'm not sure what this is for!

  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    First Consumers National Bank... They're the company behind a large number of private label credit cards...

    They're the original creditor, so validation wouldn't do any good... Unless your state requires it...

    They'll harrass you, berate you, belittle you, and otherwise stalk you...
  3. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    If this debt is from 1997 chances are it is past the SOL for collection.

    You should speak to them only to find out what they want. Don't admit anything to them on the phone. In fact say that you don't know what they are talking about or referring to.

    They should then read you the "mini-miranda" concerning your rights under the FDCPA to dispute the debt, etc. If they don't read you that warning, and within 5 days send you a letter with that warning then they have already violated the FDCPA.

    Once you get the letter you should send them the validation letter within 30 days.

    In the mean time you need to find out for sure when the "alleged debt" first went delinquent as this will give you your starting date for the SOL. You also need to know what the SOL is for that kind of debt in your state.

    Once you have this information and are sure of it, you can tell the CA to pound sand

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