If I already have lexington working for me, would I also be able to sign up with Junum? Or would that be derogatory to the process? Thanks for your help!
RE: ? for Kristi re junum/lexi You can always use both, as some do but if one is working for you why pay another? on the other hand if one is not working, try the other. junum is less expensive but it is a personal choice. I do have a few clients that are using both but I don't see the real worth of that. Flagirl wrote: ------------------------------- If I already have lexington working for me, would I also be able to sign up with Junum? Or would that be derogatory to the process? Thanks for your help!
RE: ? for Kristi re junum/lexi I work with Lexington and it's definitely not a good idea to have two firms doing the work at the same time. Since Junum and Lexington eClient use fundamentally the same credit repair methods (in the broad strokes) sending in that many disputes will just yield a ton of refusals to reinvestigate from the bureaus. It'd be like over-filling a bucket. The bucket doesn't get any fuller, but the ground sure gets wet. If you'd like to speed up the process, call Lex and ask about the Lexington Complete retainer. It's a more attorney/paralegal intensive approach (ie. more expensive,) but it really works. It's a completely different approach than traditional credit repair.