figured you'd get a kick out of this.
Mark, Got it this morning right before I left for work. LMFAO! Thank God I wasn't in my car! But then, an '86 Isuzu isn't quite the same is it? This thread brought back the memories of working on the cars that people let their cats use as a litter box - YUCK! Or the smokers that never rolled their windows down! Try looking through that windshield and trying to see the monitor on the smog machine! And, one of my all time favorites - a month's worth of used pampers stuffed under the seat! Been there, done that and didn't even get a tee shirt! My grandma always told me "be a courteous driver and you'll never get a ticket". She NEVER said anything about people crapping or hurling in my car! LOL! You made my day!
I work in a small restaurant. It is the 2nd oldest hotel in Ohio. There is a retired vetenarian(sp), really old, who's family used to bring him into the restaurant to eat. Well, they sit by the door, when the bathroom is on the other side of the restaurant. This poor guy, we called him sh!tter, would go to the bathroom and let loose all over the place! The manager had to pay someone to clean it up. Everyone knew when they came in "Oh no, Sh!tter's here! Get the Squeegy! (hehehe) The manager finally had to take his daughter aside and tell her to stop bringing him into the restaurant because he was messing all over the bathroom and it was stinking up that end of the restaurant and looking over and seeing an old guy with sh!t all over himself killed people's apetite. They haven't been in since. But what's sad is that the family knew this was going to happen, and they did nothing to stop it. They would let him sit down in his chair with sh!t all over himself, just because HE paid the bill. Poor guy. Never will forget that one......