I know the only way to get the FCRA to change is to lobby our congressmen. However everytime I read the FCRA and the opinion letters, I read into it differently everytime. I know that I have read some extremely well written letters by LKH, LizardKing and Breeze (and many others). I was wondering if any or all of you have the time if you would write a generic letter that we (the rest of creditnet) could use to send to our congressmen about changing the FCRA. What do ya think? KHM
Really, those form letters don't make the point as well as putting it in your own words. For instance this situation with the supreme court ruling. Something like They want to hear from ordinary people, not a legal latter. If you write something like that, and you're a registered voter, you will make your point much better than with a jazzy-sounding, "I know all about this" kind of letter.
I emailed the credit reporting agencies to ask how I could get my credit scores and ended up in Newsweek. The individual specialist can have power. There are enough generalists. If you want to have an effect, pick a narrow topic, find out everything you can about it, then publish what you find. Pay attention to the details.
In the spirit of letter writting, I am in the process of sending a letter to my Congressman asking him to support Rep. Lafalce's H.R. 1060. It is a bill aimed at overhauling the business pratices of credit card companies.
I agree with all of this. I also send copies of my letters to local media - they are always looking for consumer topics to investigate and report, and you'd be surprised what kind of interest you can spark with them.