ford credit is suing me

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by star, Dec 31, 2001.

  1. star

    star Well-Known Member

    I was in a ch.13, ford was being paid thru that, I recently had a voluntary dismissal, but I had a bal of 2000$ with ford left, today I noticed an attorney pulled my credit report, I called to find out who they were and why, they said ford is there client, I dont have any possible way to pay them 2000 or even make payments at this time, I have yet to be served anything, what should I do, has anyone dealt with ford?( I no longer have the car, it died years ago, they know this.)
  2. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member


    You do know you can convert the Chapter 13 to a Chapter 7?
  3. star

    star Well-Known Member

    I dont want to convert, that was all I had remaining with my 13, and Ford has the account, was never sent for collections. I dont think I can request validation for this cuz it was in my 13, lots of paperwork with ford for that
  4. star

    star Well-Known Member

    Because I was supposed to make arrangements with fords in house collections, I was unable to keep up , then today I noticed the lawyers inquiry and called , the lawyers said they are fords client, why else would they inquire on my credit and why would they even have info about us unless they were seeking a judgement?
  5. Gumbo

    Gumbo Well-Known Member

    Checking the credit report was to see if you had any assets. If so, they will sue. But, if you don't, they may not sue. No use wasting their money if they cannot collect. But, it depends on the creditor and I don't know Fords policy. I they find you have some open credit on a credit card, they may try to get you to use that to pay the debt in lieu of a suit.
  6. gigi

    gigi Member

    Star, I am by know means an expert in any of this am still learning myself however read my post maybe a dumb question for some of the tactics that one of ford's debt collections attorney's used against my son if they do the same to you and violate the FDCPA you could sue for that. As you will see from my post we are checking this possiblility out and my son has every intention of sueing by the way his amount was less than what yours was if you are working they will come after you my son had nothing as far as assets no home, no vehicile, no savings, nothing. I relize your circumstances are different and they may decided not to sue however if they do knowing how they may violate your rights could put a schreeching halt to the law suit.


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