I cannot believe my eyes... I got my CHOD dispute back and Ford basically updated the paid charged off account (on Equifax). Whatever! Then I go immidiately back on-line and redispute it. Results: WHY DID IT REALLY COME BACK UPDATED THAT THERE IS A SMALL BALANCE OF $462??? See, this is the type of thing that makes a person want to purchase some C4. My tentative plan is to this time write a simple letter stating: "I've never had an account with Ford Credit with the account number xxxxx and a balance of $462. Please remove this blah blah blah...." Anyone have a better idea? Oh...and FYI, the account went from 26 times 30-days late to 21 times 30-days late. It's still listed as an I9.
I feel for you. I do have a question for us all--EQ seems to have a LOT of accounts reporting these off-the-wall statuses....I have 2 that suddenly showed derogs (when there should be none--and I know that while I have some screwed up accounts these were R1and I1) and am trying to get corrected. Someone else also posted that an account that reported previously I1 is now reporting I4--apparently it was an old account that is full paid and never updated...when it updated it changed to the I4 out of the blue. Something can't be right--this makes 3 cases of totally bizarre reporting statuses in a relatively short period of time. Would there be anyway to PROVE that maybe their computer went haywire?! Or that employees are intentionally fouling it up? I don't know. I'm just plugging along and want it fixed. Good luck--and your dispute sounds plausible. What you are stating is true and accurate.
Write a demand for documentation letter to Ford. Demand a printout of your account history. If they can't or won't provide it after 15 days, send a copy of the letter and a copy of the certified receipt to the cra demanding they remove it in its entirety as the alleged creditor obviously cannot verify the ALLEGED account.
Make that 4 bizarre cases... I had an old repo with Ford credit from back in 96. I paid off the balance back then, but the account was listed as "repossessed" AND "open" with a $2500 balance due. When I investigated through the 3 bureaus back in December, they updated it to a 0 balance. THEN on my latest TU report, it shows a $305 balance!!! And leave it to the geniuses at FMC to be of absolutely NO help at all.
That, I think, is my argument (And it may be just far-fetched) that the creditors blame the CRA (in my case, EQ) and the CRA blames the creditor. Where on earth is this coming from?
I have had credit cards since 1978... The CRA'S always have said "WE REPORT WHAT THE CREDIT CARD COMPANY TELLS US TO REPORT, IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM, CONTACT THE CREDIT CARD COMPANY" You contact the credit card company they say "THE CRA'S MADE A MISTAKE...YOU HAVE TO HAVE THEM FIX IT" You send the letter from the credit card company, the CRA'S say we CAN'T accept this letter!!!! It's called LOSE~~~LOSE
Very good, George...you just described my situation exactly...ESP vibes must be flying around, huh?! Either that or it's the same old, same old....
I would get the CRA on the line and then say "ok let's do a 3 way call to XX creditor so we can get this straight right now". It can't hurt anything.
I have had similar issues with Ford Credit and the CRAs. My only solution was to get a supervisor at the local servicing center to fax an updated report to the CRAs. Find out what local Customer Service Office handles your account and press to speak with a supervisor. That 800-727-7000 will not help you in this situation. Although they did give me the local information I needed. I am sure you know to always get to the supervisor. Anyway, once I had a supervisor on my side, she sent out what I needed immediately. Even when TU did not accept the information, she was kind enough to send another copy to a supervisor at TU for me. Hope that helps. Mike G.
I am in a similar situation, although there may be light at the end of the tunnel. I got on the phone with Ford's Executive Offices (Ford's not FMCs). They gave me a contact at FMC in Troy, MI who in turn contacted the same people I had been arguing with for the past 6 weeks. She told me the dept would do a "good will" adjustment to the account because of my situation (I was a college student, Dad was a 25-year Ford employee who had to retire because diagnosed with cancer). I am supposed to be receiving a confirmation by e-mail in 5-7 business days (this all went down yesterday). If it works, keep your fingers crossed, I will post back.
Folks quit buying from Ford and GM. IF their cars aren't selling then their loan sharks won't be in the pool.
Brilliant quote of the day. Shoulda got a Chevy is about like sayin he shoulda cut off hes rite foot instead a his left one. Either way he's still a foot short!
And what does this one infer? You are saying the very same thing you said Beacon said. Do you think NMAC or Toyota doens't make mistakes or have problems? You need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Christi: I have to disagree. I have been reading this board almost one year. The only complaints I hear about auto financing is about Ford. Their credit arm is as bad as their cars - it stinks. I gave up on American cars 10 years ago just because of problems like these. It is always the consumers fault, never the company. I found with Toyota, Honda, and Nissan, you are treated like a valued customer. They don't treat you like garbage like the American companies. And, there is no comparison on quality. Japanese is far superior. If these companies treat you like dirt, then switch and don't go back. This is exactly why Ford is having so many problems - they have mistreated customers in the past.