Foreclosure and Student Loan

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DF, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. DF

    DF New Member

    Last year I had scores ranging from 450-550. Today my highest score is 649.
    I have disputed several items but I have student loans and a foreclosure which are hurting my score. The student loans are reported as delinquent although they have been transferred and are currently in rehabilitation.
    The foreclosure was in 2001 and shows 0 as the amount owed. Is there any thing I can do about the reporting of the foreclosure and student loans?
  2. woops

    woops Well-Known Member

    If the student loans are in rehab then once you finish the process, make the 9th payment, they will remove all reference to the delinquency. Now that in itself may take another month but what a heck of a deal, make your payments on time and we'll forget the whole thing. you really cant ask for more than that.

    I'm not sure what might help with the forclosure.

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