Fraud Statement/creditor

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by SNDEVIL11, Dec 10, 2001.

  1. SNDEVIL11

    SNDEVIL11 Active Member

    I disputed an account and asked for verification, they instead sent me a fraud claim form to fill out. They asked for a copy of my drivers license etc. Also, this form may be used for law enforcement etc. Should I fill this out and send back to them or should I wait and pretend I didnt' receive it. And ask for verification, which i doubt they have? thanks everyone
  2. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Who's *THEY*?????
  3. SNDEVIL11

    SNDEVIL11 Active Member

    The creditor Radio Shack, or whomever they go through.
  4. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    If the account really isn't yours, then send back the fraud statement. Validation is only good for collection agencies, not original creditors.
  5. SNDEVIL11

    SNDEVIL11 Active Member

    Also, if anyone has sent in a form like this to a creditor asking for it, have they contacted law enforcement to investigate?
  6. SNDEVIL11

    SNDEVIL11 Active Member

    This is an account that was discharged in my ch 7.
  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    My husband got a letter like that from a CA over a cell phone bill. I know the CA has absolutely NO proof, he sign ed up for it online and NEVER signed for anything. When they called he told them he didn't know what they were talking about and 2 weeks later we got a fraud statement. I ignored it and sent a validation letter and a C&D. They have no proof of what they send to me, but I have all my proof.
    Just send a validation. NEVER file out anything THEY send YOU!
  8. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    I had a Mervyns account that was fraudulently used. They sent me a fraud statement with copies of the register receipts (clearly NOT my signature). I had to sign the fraud statement and sign it like 5 times and it had to be notorized. They did not contact law enforcement (it wasn't that much $300 bucks). I'm sure if it's for a big amount, they will investigate it and if they can prove who did it, they will contact law enforcement to make an arrest.
  9. SNDEVIL11

    SNDEVIL11 Active Member

  10. SNDEVIL11

    SNDEVIL11 Active Member

    It was a credit line of $1000 and a payment was never paid on it before i declared ch 7
  11. SNDEVIL11

    SNDEVIL11 Active Member

    good to know, i just don't want any "law enforcement" investigation. So this helps alot

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