Frazzled..need guidance.**

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sweetevl, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. sweetevl

    sweetevl Well-Known Member

    HI gang,

    I'm changing up my game plan on this and have done so much reading, that Ive totally confused myself. If anyone could throw their two cents in that would be great!

    OC recalled from CA 1 and sent to CA2. Settled with CA2, OC now billing me for the difference. Here's my question...Since CA2 doesn't have a balance for me, can I request validation from them? Or should I go the route of verification with the OC ? OC btw is Household.

    Main objective is removal, problem is debt is mine. But can honestly say I have no idea what balance should be. Also, when speaking with CA2, they said that they do not report that OC reports and to refer any questions regarding my CR to Household..

    opinion anyone??
  2. Flyingifr

    Flyingifr Well-Known Member

    I hope you hae teh settlement agreement in writing. If you don't then you will have a hard time convincing the OC or CA#3 that tehd ebt is paid.

    If you do, I would send a copy to the OC and advise them to change their records accordingly or rish a breach of contract lawsuit. Under the law of Agency, the CA settled thed ebt for them, and they are bound by that.
  3. sweetevl

    sweetevl Well-Known Member

    Yes, I do have a copy of the settlement. My main objective at this point is to get the TL removed. So should I send OC the documentation that it is paid, or should I somehow let them hang themselves by reporting incorrect information. Debt was paid off in June. I had disputed not mine with CRA's in July, came back verified in August and recieved an invoice from OC that same month with remaining balance..??

    Do I have anything here?? What is my best route for removal??
  4. sweetevl

    sweetevl Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Frazzled..need guidance.**


    Could i then use that as leverage for removal of TL...stating that they have breached the contract and have been billing/reporting in error-remove immediately!?

    What do you think? Or is validation with 2nd CA , verification with OC my best route??

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