Free CR if denied credit?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jenny_S, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Jenny_S

    Jenny_S Member

    Does anyone know where the online link for a free CR if you were recently denied credit?

    I found it last week, but can't locate it now.
  2. paul77136

    paul77136 New Member

  3. Jenny_S

    Jenny_S Member


    I've looked at EX tonight, but don't see the link. Must be to tired.
  4. Lord Jazz

    Lord Jazz Active Member

    When you are denied credit they usually mail you a letter stating why and which credit bureau was used. I only know one of them off had, which is listed below.
  5. Jenny_S

    Jenny_S Member

    Thanks, Lord Jazz

    That was the link I was looking for.
  6. Lord Jazz

    Lord Jazz Active Member

    NP glad I could help 8)

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