Hi all, My friend's son has a 678 Equifax (citi pulls this, apparantly) with no lates or black marks . His 2d reason for the score not being higher per myfico.com is, not enough bankcards. He is 24, doesn't have a long credit history, but has been paying mortgage, car, etc. for 2 1/2 years. Is he likely to get approval for the current Citi Platinum Select card that allows for 0% BT through December? I don't want him to waste a hard inqury, but if his odds are excellent, I think it would be a perfect deal for him TIA, Dave
Dave, the best way to get the Plat Sel is to get the silver AA card, and then call and upgrade to Plat Select. Search a little and you'll see that's what folks on here are doing. Citi AA silver is easy to get. However the link is difficult to find go here: http://www.citibank.com/us/cards/cardserv/worldcard/acq.htm click on the link that says Citi AA Advantage Card - it's a frame or I would give you the exact location. That's the easiest one to get. Why take chances when he can easily call and upgrade once he gets the card? Incidentally, he sounds perfect for Citi. They seem skittish when they see a lot of available credit, and I know they are skittish about inquiries. They are generous with increases (at least they have been with me) if you use the card a lot, and make big payments.
breeze, thanks for the excellent answer I gather that there's no downside to the conversion? I'm concerned that he might not get the _fee free_ BT deal if he gets this card through an upgrade rather than by taking the offer as initially given. I will do a search on it though and see if I can pick up some other tips.
I think some folks posted that they got the BT deal. It'll take some reading but I'm pretty sure every little detail got covered several times.
Raising this thread back from the dead I did the homework breeze suggested and went through a number of threads. Nothing came up addressing this situation after January, when the bdd was reported closed... So, before jumping on an AA silver, then to convert to the latest Plat Div BT offer, I wanted to see if any of you had updates or other advice. TIA, Dave
I think George was the only one who posted that he was successful doing the BDD and getting a BT (or was it just 0%?) after much work on his part. Do a Search for Citi/BDD postings and George - this was probably within the last 2 weeks I believe. George... my Citi BDD Hero! Ozzy.
AASILVER $5,000 + AAGOLD $5,000 = PLATINUM SELECT $10,000 I was told NO BT offer for me...PFB...got 0.00% for 9 months PFB #2 wanted lower "GO-TO" got PRIME + 3.90% = 8.65%
George, how long did it take for citi to respond to your pfb? In January I did the bdd, gold $5000, silver $6500 = platinum select $11,500. But, no bt offer. I sent pfb last week and they so far have ignored me. Also, what is the difference between citi fsb and citi cbsdna?