Frivolous Letter from ChexSystems

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bawesq33, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. bawesq33

    bawesq33 Member

    I've been trying to dispute the accuracy of derogatory information on my ChexSystem file. In 1997 my husband and I banked with WAMU (Horrible bank!) and also had problems with their "Prioritizing transactions" resulting in overdraft fees. On top of this, they also put holds on all but cash deposits (even paychecks) and checks we wrote against these funds ended up bouncing. We complained, and they closed our account and sent us to ChexSystems. Fast forward to 2003 when we paid ChexSystems off after unsuccessfully disputing with our bank their policies.

    We rec'd a letter from WAMU verifying the debt was paid, balance zero on March 17, 2003. ChexSystems inaccurately reports the debt as being paid off April 20, 2003 or something like that. When we disputed the accuracy, they came back saying that the date as reported is when they received the information from Chex Systems. We provided them proof of when the debt was actually paid, but they refuse to even change it. A subsequent dispute has been tagged as "Frivolous". Any suggestions? Shouldn't they update based on the letter I provided from WAMU or else delete? They disagree.

  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Chexsystem is a CRA. Since you have disputed with them, and they claim they have "verified" with WAMU, you are free to assume that WAMU is reporting the incorrect information. Dispute with WAMU, and tell them to correct it. It is now their responsibility. (You have their letter acknowledging what it should be.) Under FACTA, you now also have the right to dispute directly with the data furnisher.
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member


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