Months! I will be the proud holder of Platinum in a few days! Last Nov I had 2 CapOne credit cards and a combination of 800 in cl. Using the vast knowledge of this board I have worked my way up to the No Hassle Platinum card with a 6500. dollar limit. I know before the end of the year I am going to hit a 10,000 cl or greater! Mr Cooke and I are about to become very good buddies! Thanks to all for the wonderful advice! How I did it. used and paid my cards to the limit each month. never paid late paid early-the date my statement dropped online. wrote a PFB letter to mr Cooke got my cards increased to 1000 and 2500 waited a month called Mr Cooke and asked to merge he unsercured my cards applied the deposit to my balance.[did not ask he just did it] I will wait 2-3 months and ask for a 3k increase. I am tingling at the thought of a 6500 cl on my report showing a 10 usage 90% avaible. send CRA's copy of your statement to get cl reported
Now, *that* is an accomplishment. You have me beat. Remember to get the 8.9% apr across the board rate, if you don't have it already. The PFB source can help you with it.
the other Thanks! You can do it too! i fit was not for the things I learned here, I would still be sitting on a sub 1k limit on 2 cards! All I can sayd is spend the time reading all cap one posts!
Marci I owe a lot to you! I read your posts and re-read the information you put out here.If you work the CapOne system just right anyone can do it! I am shooting for a 20k limit in the nexy 2 years. I just know I can get 10K this year! I got the 9.9 I will go lower the next time!
sub4Prime, how long have you been a Capital One customer? How do you get big increases? Do you ask for a specific amount of an increase? Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will try this coming August to get the Platinum master card by combining and upgrading.
How long after PFBing CapOne do they respond to you? I emailed the other day and haven't heard anything yet.. just curious about a time frame. Thanks! Ozzy.
Usually it takes Mr. Cooke a few days to respond. Once he called me the very next day, another time, close to two weeks had gone by before he called.
Mr. Cooke just called me a few minutes ago! He unsecured my card ($49) and gave me a limit increase of $500. $500 isn't that much, but I'm tickled pink 'cuz the CS rep told me last month that I could only do one or the other - get my account unsecured OR ask for a limit increase. And Good 'Ol Mr. Cooke delivered both! Gosh, I'm having a good credit day. Makes up for yesterday and all my fussing with Experian! Ozzy. (still smiling 'bout having 700+ on all 3 reports =-) )
It's simply amazing the CL increases that two or three posters can get in 3 months,when others can't get a fraction of that in two years.You must be blessed LOL.
Jr I have been a CapOne customer as of today 3 years. I know the reason I got the increases. I use my cards daily! Even when my cls were 800 I was sending CapOne any where from 1000-2800 a month for the last 6 months. I haven't paid a finace charge in a year. However, due to my useage they make a lot of money off of me. i did not specifically ask for the limit he just offered.Hope this helps.
Ozzyburger He sent me a email the next day. After our first conversation he said if I ever had a problem just call him direct.
Brad It is not being blessed it is knowing the system. CapOne has an internal scoring system that rewards you for having high balances/heavy usage. Seriouly if you keep your balance under your cl and ALWAYS pay your bill early and at least 3 times the minumal amount you can get some decent credit increase from CapOne very fast. I went 2 years with no increases,I was one of the very people you speak of.... then I found this board and Marci ;-) couple that knowledge with some info I got from a CapOne CS rep and I am on the road to a nice CL! I will be the first one to admit to a high level of ignorance in the manner which credit works. I just thought paying your bills on time was seen by the stories on this board nothing could be further from the truth. To see results fast with this process you almost have to make it a hobby and stay on top of it every day. This coming from a guy who use to wait until the very lasty minute to pay a bill, now I freak if i don't pay a bill as soon as it is due if not a week or 2 early.
Sub4Prime, Thank's for all your advice. I will start concentrating on using my 3 Cap One cards more often. I plan on combining and upgrading to Platinum Mastercard this August. I don't think I will have a problem.