Frustrated..Need advise

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Jenasea9, Sep 4, 2002.

  1. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member

    Ok...I am at a plateau and I need advise.

    I still have about 12 paid medical collections on my reports (equifax shows all 12) Seven are from the same agency. Only good thing is for these 7 are the measly 20 seem to fall off and they verified with Experian before validating with me. Is that one violation or is that one violation for each account??

    I have sent validation letters to all companies. With one $50 paid that they absolutely refuse to remove because that is unethical (even though I never recieved bill from hospital because they had wrong address and that fact was proven when I received my computerized print out along with all my charts. Currently have call into Hospital first before I send my intent to sue letter for violations and for me being mean and they dont care what the hospital says they are going to keep it there). All verify everytime. Only one has been removed because couldnt validate. I have sent 3 second rounds and not received any green cards (1 1/2 weeks).

    I have one paid cable bill that I never recieved bill from CA but paid OC after they corrected the two months they did not disconnect after I moved. One of those well if they say it is ok, no the other has to do it. It is definiately the wrong amount but they verify every time.

    And my last collection is with our favorite IC systems for apartment account I didnt owe in the first place, had to pay before I could get my house. I disputed when I paid it and now it is on my reports for the last 3 years as In Dispute (notated from IC).

    Experian still shows my 16 student loans 30 days late even though I sent letter from OC stating it was incorrect because of inschool deferment. They rejected the proof so I sent CCRR to Kim Hughes (still no green card back 1 1/2 weeks) with OC letter and all school documentation. All other CRA's have fixed...even TU after emailing Don. OC sent 4 "transmissions" to Experian starting 6/17 and still no update plus they verify every time. WTH!!!

    I am at wits ends. Any suggestions on how to proceed?? I would be forever grateful as I need my second mortage now to survive (long story) and my scores are stuck for the last 3 weeks. I have been patient and took a break from this for about a week and now I am ready to start again.

    Thank you :)
  2. martig4

    martig4 Well-Known Member


    This is all pretty confusing.

    Can you list the various accounts, how old they are and on what bureaus they are reporting?

    If we can understand better your time frame and what the situation is, we can suggest the best possible alternatives.
  3. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your response, kinda venting I know :)

    Equifax can be first.

    AllianceOne paid medical $117 paid 4/99 ..currently indispute from me after sending 2nd round letter after first letter ignored. date of service $97

    7 paid medical collections from Mutual Hospital..all but one in dispute (Equifax never puts ALL my disputes as disputed on first call). Sent first letter, no response. Verified all "big" ones (>$65) on Experian. (violation correct??!!?? but is that just one violation or a violation for each account) paid 10/2000 date of service 97

    1 pain in the !@# $50 paid collection from a hospital I never received a bill from and have sent 3 letters to. Last intent to sue, he said call him on 8/30 to see what he could do...denied. He stated they didnt report it till after they sent letter. According to their records sent 1st letter 10/23/2000 reported 10/2000. Humm liar go figure. Currently trying to work with orginal hospital even though CA said they didnt care what they said.

    1 paid cable bill (never received letter from CA because incorrect address) and I worked with OC because they charged 2 addittional months of service after I moved and they had record of my order to disconnect. finally paid 3/99 after 2 years of fighting. CA says will remove if OC says it is ok. OC states it is the CA responsibility to report and I did indeed have a debt with them. BTW incorrect amount and OC doesnt care cause it is paid.

    i paid medical from 3/01 (miscommunication of 50 deductible and 50 bill so I thought was paid didnt know xrays were not included in hospital visit). sent 1 letter, they sent computer itemized bill so sent 2nd letter not response as of yet.

    And finally, 1 paid collection from IC systems for apartment bill I felt I didnt owe. (Maintance poisened my dog in her crate and took washer and dryer so I moved). I had to pay to get my house. I disputed it then when I paid. Has shown on my report for 3 years as paid collection/customer disputes. IC states they will continue to report it as in dispute for the next 4 year because that is law??!!?? Sent validation letter 2 weeks ago, no response.

    Same story for all CRA's (equifax just has all of them).
  4. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    My experience with IC Systems is that they will not validate, especially when it has been paid. Wait the 30 days, then threaten to sue. There is no nice way to deal with them. You have to play tough guy with them.

    One warning though - if you called them for an address to send the validation, they do not pick up the mail from that address. It is all returned after about three weeks of being unclaimed. I spoke with the postmaster about this and he said they get up to 100 letters a day at that PO Box, and all of them go unclaimed, Get their paymentss address and send the validation there.
  5. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member

    IC systems signed for the validation letter on Aug 12th.

    Received letter from CMI for that paid collections stating that Comcast said to leave it on even though the amount is incorrect (higher of course). A letter I got from CMI stated Comcast wanted a utility bill from 98-99 to prove service. My service ended 4/97. Left message with Comcast yet again.

    The $50 paid collection just showed up on Equifax yesterday with the notation ...Customer disputes information. They signed for first letter 7/13. Left numberous messages at original hospital.

    UGHHH...just venting I guess.

    Can someone please give me a website to research for starting small claims court procedings....I have LizardKing's template...what is Whysper's website??

  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    the small claims is really easy especially for marion county. just look at the website. i did not use the template, for small claims, it helped me formulate my arguments for each violation.

    i just filled in general information... suing for violations of the fair credit reporting act. failed to correct my credit report.

    you must ask for deletion of the accounts in additions to the cash, or you won't get it. the court clerks can be really helpful too.

    just do it!
  7. Jenasea9

    Jenasea9 Well-Known Member


    Did you fill out the online form?? Also I paid the state $2 to get the serving does it work from there??

    I didnt have access to internet this weekend but typed a LONG "case" following several templates....are you stating in the form to the court just fill it in as:

    Filing for FSCPA and FCRA violations in sum of $$ and for tradeline deletion and that is it or do you list each violation on the form??

    Thank you. :)

    (excitied and fearfull all at the same time)
  8. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    yes, that is it... this way, they don't have time to prep for exact violations..... they have to figure out where they violated without your help!

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