I just got off the phone filing a complaint with the FTC on a CA. I don't have all my info with me so I felt stupid when she said where in the FDCPA does it say that. My question is, where does it state what PROPER validation is? She said all they have to provide is the name of the OC, address and the amount owed. I felt so stupid, I did get to file on a few violations, but not the proper validation. Also, exactly which opinion letter addresses proper validation. I'm out of town and don't have all my credit stuff with me. Thanks in advance for any help. Charlie
I think this is the letter you are looking for: http://www.ftc.gov/os/statutes/fdcpa/letters/wollman.htm
I forgot something. The CA sent a letter stating that they were withdrawing the account until they get info from the OC. 17 days later they send me a letter saying that they got info from the OC (cancelled checks) and were putting it back on the CR. I need to know where in the FDCPA it says the 5 day reinsertion limit. I feel so helpless without my computer. Charlie
Thanks Hal. I knew it was the Wollman letter, but when I was talking to the lady I had a brainfart and couldn't think. Charlie
Dear Charlie, You should add this to the signs of credit addiction thread. Cant's even wait to get home to your resources before calling the FTC. LOL Actually and unfortunately the Wollman opinion speaks to what proper Validation IS NOT. As far as I know there is no single resource that spells out exactly what it IS. I've been anxiously awaiting this resource too. EXPERTS??????