FTC vs. Nationwide Connections et al.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ontrack, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    FTC action against Nationwide Connections for illegal cramming of fake charges on collect calls not made or accepted.

    "Billing aggregators" who sent the crammed charges to the phone companies are added as defendants. If you search on "Integretel" or "Billing Concepts", for example, you will find a long history.

    It is about time.


    "For Your Information: October 10, 2006

    FTC Files Amended Complaint in Matter of Nationwide Connections, Inc.

    Commission approval of amended complaint: The Commission has approved the filing of an amended complaint in the matter concerning Nationwide Connections, Inc. The original complaint, filed in March 2006, alleged the defendants collected more than $25 million in fraudulent collect call fees by â??crammingâ? fake charges onto consumersâ?? phone bills. The amended complaint adds BSG Clearing Solutions North America, LLC; ACI Billing Services, Inc. d/b/a OAN; Billing Concepts, Inc.; and The Billing Resource d/b/a Integretel as additional defendants in this case. The new defendants are the billing aggregators that the Nationwide defendants allegedly used to bill consumers for the collect calls that were never accepted or made.

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