
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jonesing, Aug 10, 2001.

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  1. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    I have learned many HARD lessons about writing checks. I have had a checking account since I was 15 so I know the deal. This is why I avoid writing checks if at all possible. To add to that, I always keep ~$100 cushion in my checking account that is NOT factored into my check registry. What I do is when I pay my bills, I always use round numbers and no change. So a bill to the cable company that is for $32.11 will receive a check for $33. Anytime I use my debit card I always right down the exact amount but over in the colum where you figure out your total, I always round up....so $12.34 in one colum but over to the far right shows $13.00 After a while, I started accumilating extra money that I would just transfer all but $100 of it into my savings account. Now I have no problems with bouncing checks. Plus it also helps that my credit union will honor any check that I accidently bounce up to $1200 (for a small $17 fee)! I didn't have that option when I banked with BofA for TEN YEARS!
  2. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member


    Oh my! What have I started? I didn't intend to start a riot over check writing LOL.

    Thanks all for the encouragement, I have some news about all this...

    But first--for those of you who were talking about BofA, I've had them for eons as well as a credit union and now a new, local bank (the bank in question). BofA seems to have been getting better about helping people, I called because they didn't process something properly and charged me a fee...no problem the rep said and took away the fees, plus gave me 6 months of free checking!

    As for checks, Texas has a violation known as "Theft by check" where you knowingly write a bad check for the purpose of obtaining goods or services. So, in the case of a grocery store or other local company, they send you a notice and you need to go pay them within 1-2 weeks I think. If you don't, then they send the check to the county DA who then sends you a notice. Failure to pay them will result in an arrest warrant...I had to take a friend to the courthouse because she was going to warrant the next day! Someone mentioned stats about bad checks...that one county DA's office got about 34,000 bad checks sent to thm in one month!!!! And counties in Texas are small.

    As for the topic at hand---you know how some companies have things that set them off? GEICO insurance will drop a 20-year client if they find out she has a radar detector,,,,,,,Applying for an AMEX with a collection agency on your report etc. Well, for Providian it's returned checks.

    If you have two returned checks on your Providian accout(s) that are not the result of Providian's or your bank's error, then Providian considers that "a very high risk" and will close your accounts.

    This was my second check--the first was July 2000. No, there is no time limit. I called the Executive Office person I mentioned before and this is what she told me. So basically, you could have had an account for 8 years, had your first returned check 4 years ago and then another one now and you become high risk. Amazing.

    Is it their right? I guess....the did it.
    Is it right? Depends on who you talk to.

    But also keep in mind that I have looked through my information from them and I see nothing about the draconian returned check policy!

    I got home and had the letter telling me my account is closed arrived today--still no mention about the returned check policy. Both the EO rep and the Credit Services rep I called told me that in order to get an account with them again (HA!!!) the current one(s) must be paid off and then wait for 90 days, then request a new application.

    You know, I just got a thing in the mail from Citibank/American Airlines..........
  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Wow! This is a hot thread. So let me add my two cents.

    I had a similiar problem in April with my NEW Household bank accounts. So watch out for these bastards also.

    I got a new Household gold card and GM card back in April 2001. I got them about 2 weeks apart. Anyways, got the statement for the gold card but I didnt get a statement for the GM card. So, just when I was mailing the first payment for the gold card, which was about 1.5 weeks EARLY, I called and asked about the GM card balance and how much I should send b/c i didnt get a statement. This was May 18th I think. The rep said my statement was due the 19th. So I sent in both payments. So Household got my GM payment 3 days late according to their own records....

    Well guess what? I was stunned to find out a few weeks later that GM had closed my account to future purchases and had dropped my credit limit from $3500 to $3100 b/c my balance was $3063. Aint that a blip? I couldnt believe it. They said that I was put in the collections department. For 3 days late. I explained that I didnt get a statement. The reps were as rude as they come.

    So, I simply balanced transferred BACK to citibank which is where my balance came from anyway and called it a day. These subprime companies have some crazy rules to protect themselves which is understandable. But you better be perfect when dealing with them.

    That was my sad subprime story for 2001. Some may say...."well you should have noticed that you didnt get a statement"......whatever. I had a terrible April. My wallet was stolen and I had ALL THESE crazy cards replaced, I changed jobs and applied for my first mortgage. I had a zillion things on my mind. And like MP$40 said ....we are all human.

    I made a decision right then to no longer be a subprime junky. I closed Household and Providian that day.

    Those of you 'passing judgement' just may get your feelings hurt soon.....

    If you do, please post it here so we can ALL know about it....promise we wont laugh....HA!

    Dont worry my Jonesing. It will get better.
  4. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Let me know when I

    1) make a false statement
    2) misquote.

    I'll assume that you are on the edge of disaster, living paycheck to paycheck-- that you have little cash reserve-- and my comments hit a nerve.

    I'll also assume that your kind, compassionate suggestion would be to argue with the credit card company, get other credit with which to pay-off debt and buy groceries, and-- generally-- take actions which give instant gratification, but actually create a stressful life for oneself through compulsive consumer borrowing.
  5. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    hmmm...weird...this is the only part of your post that came through that made any sense.

    Maybe something is wrong with my browser....LOL!

    And, for the record, I don't live paycheck to paycheck, I invest over 25% of my income, and I am completely stress free. I am on this FREE and PUBLIC board to get advice and possible help anyone here in any way I can.

    Why you berate others here is beyond me, but I am glad you post your URL at the end of your tirade's. I am sure it will get you lot's of business!

    ...just my 2 cents...

  6. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member


    I think everyone agrees with some of your points:

    1. It is TECHNICALLY a crime to write a bad check.

    2. It is the credit card companies option to close an account for this or any other reason.

    3. Wise people save for emergencies including unintentional overdrafts.

    What many took offense to was the tone of your posts. The original poster was not acting criminally, and as soon as he was aware of the returned check he immediately made good on it - negating the intent to defraud. Making statements about people "living paycheck to paycheck" really has no place in the discussion.

    Many of us have been "robbed" in no uncertain terms by credit card companies, financially and reputation-wise. From increasing interest to rates that were once considered "usury" to failing to post payments in a timely manner, despite the fact they were sent well in advance of the due date and were obviously received. To have accounts accrue late charges, be increased in APR to the highest percentage, and to have lates reported due to slow processing or ineptitude by a credit card company should be just as criminal as a returned check.

    Taking a "holier than thou" attitude over someone posting their frustration of their treatment by a credit card company really has no place here.

    Although you may have handled your finances to perfection all of your life (which is doubtful) many of us have learned from experience and are only trying to improve our situations.

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...
  7. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    Your majesty has spoken. Peasants beware. The moral higher ground has arrived. Take heed to his words. Let it be written is stone. May his words outshine those of the wise Solemen. Insenuations and accusations without proof are all that he needs. After all, those who argue with the king will end up in the gullotine. If you value your lives, run, run like hell. ( you better stop before the king tells the story about the credit hounds from hell who are on your tails.)

    After all, if the banking institutions cant get accurate info on credit scoring from privately owned corporations who make up secret models to grade our credit worthiness upon. The whole economy will fall into a depression cycle. (gosh, how did we survive all these years without these models?) Could there be another way of looking at each individual and their ability to fulfill the terms of a loan? This all about how they can turn you away and in the process make more money. We have all become #s and the creditors and the whole industry does not really care about anyone on an individual basis.
  8. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    To bad they dont teach finances in school. Everybody wouldnt have to learn as they go.
  9. MikeB

    MikeB Banned

    I wish they would have taught a course in school on credit matters and credit scoring. I'm not saying I would have perfect scores now or anything...hehe.
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Greg, you can assume anything you want and personall I could care less. I just think that when someone has a problem, explains it on the board, and is asking for help, they deserve a little bit more than the nonsense you spewed. Im sure that most will agree with me. But again, you don't know me, so assume anything you like.
  11. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Troll Bait Taken- Was: Furious!!!

    OK- one more thing...and I must say that I usually never stoop to a troll's level, but I would like to get this out.

    I have taken a look at the mess you call a website. In one of your tirade's, you claim to the CRA that they are not listing dates on your deliquencies.

    shall I quote?

    "From: Greg Fisher, gfisher@erinet.com
    To: Harry Gambill, hgambill@tuc.com

    The consumer report I obtained directly from your company last month is incomplete. In the next five days, will you correct your reports so that they list the dates of delinquency?"

    note- this is one of the few whining emails you have posted on your site in which you did not cc the whole frigging world. Why you want a hundred people at a time to know you make late payments is beyond me.

    Well, sir, to have deliquencies, you must have made a late payment. Do you not realize that when you were extended credit you signed a contract that obligated you to pay your debts on time? Do you not understand that by paying late you 'broke' that contract? Is that not a crime? (I am too busy to go check the experts at 'nolo').

    The poster you decided to belittle had made a mistake balancing their checkbook, but at least they ATTEMPTED to pay on time. Looks like you didn't even send them a check at all.

    Um, Mr. Kettle, meet Mr. Black.

    I'm also going to take the liberty of making an assumption. I'm 'assuming' you are a moron.

  12. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Troll Bait Taken- Was: Furious!!!

    Shawn - touche!
  13. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Troll Bait Taken- Was: Furious!!!

    I just hate to see people go after others in a forum like this- it is not the place for it.

    You just don't expect that kind of behavior here, especially from someone who tries to come across as a consumer advocate.

    It's usually best to let an ass show themselves, but sometimes it's hard to just sit back and be patient.

  14. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Troll Bait Taken- Was: Furious!!!

    Now that it has been a couple of days and everybody's had their chance, I'll respond.


    "Why you berate others here is beyond me, but I am glad you post your URL at the end of your tirade's. I am sure it will get you lot's of business! ... I can spell, I just can't type!"

    Incorrect placement of apostrophes, twice in two sentences: It is clear that that isn't a typing problem.


    "What many took offense to was the tone of your posts."

    I nominate you for Arbiter of "Tone."

    "Making statements about people 'living paycheck to paycheck' really has no place in the discussion."

    Yes, it does. Savings is the important missing component. With reserve there will be no overdraft.

    "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone... "

    Religion. Now THAT really has no place in the discussion.


    "Well, sir, to have deliquencies, you must have made a late payment. Do you not realize that when you were extended credit you signed a contract that obligated you to pay your debts on time? Do you not understand that by paying late you 'broke' that contract? Is that not a crime? (I am too busy to go check the experts at 'nolo')."

    No, it isn't a crime.

    "note- this is one of the few whining emails you have posted on your site in which you did not cc the whole frigging world. Why you want a hundred people at a time to know you make late payments is beyond me."

    I'll survive. And, I'm glad you brought that up. There are tons of stories about how the credit bureaus screw up-- but never any evidence. Why? Because nobody wants to splay out their financial records for everyone to see. And when it comes down to lawyering and settling, I'll bet there are non-disclosure agreements out there that would circle the globe a few times if placed end-to-end.

    But, I think if anybody reads that correspondence between Trans Union and me, they'll see just what I'm talking about. I was just looking at my credit report and stumbled accross it. It's really quite astounding, and there wasn't any other way to illustrate it-- than with an actual case.

    http://creditaccuracy.com (Trans Union heading)

    And, guess who reads this message board and has sent me email based on comments I made elswhere in this forum? Let's all say Hello to Mr. Richman and his boss, Harry.
  15. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Troll Bait Taken- Was: Furious!!!

    'zup Rich.

    Yo Harry.

    Peace out cha'y'all. (apologies' for the overuse of apostrophe's)

  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Troll Bait Taken- Was: Furious!!!

    Hello, Mr. Richman. You too Harry.

  17. kbelle72

    kbelle72 Well-Known Member

    Re: Troll Bait Taken- Was: Furious!!!

    To back something Dave mentioned earlier. I just pulled the Texas Penal Code...under TX law, intent to defraud is required as well
    Section 32.41 (a)
    A person commits an offense if he issues or passes a check for the payment of money KNOWING that the issuer does not have sufficient funds....yada yada yada.

    Most crimes usually requre intent of some form. Especially crimes that fall under Fraud.

  18. Crdt Dfnse

    Crdt Dfnse Well-Known Member

    More Substance, Less Contempt?

    I donâ??t necessarily disagree with your sentiment; lots of folks on this board think nothing of purposefully dishonoring their financial obligations. Yet casting disparaging remarks does nothing to correct the root problems, and truly only alienates those whom you purport youâ??d like to correct. Be that as it may, I do find your initial statement regarding criminal aspects of check writing false. Iâ??ll explainâ?¦

    In almost 20 years in the asset recovery business Iâ??ve known only one (1) case where a creditor pressed for criminal charges relating a bad check. Thatâ??s one out of literally 1,000s of bad check issues Iâ??ve (personally) dealt with. Therefore your suggestion that "In every state, writing a bad check is a crime" is not only patently false in relation to this subject, but is misleading seemingly by design. That is, juxtaposed to the CONTENT & CONTEXT of jonesingâ??s original post.

    Once again, I agree that the vast majority of people who frequent this board are financially unstable; many by sheer neglect. Yet rubbing their noses in what is commonly perceived as dirt is unproductive. Doing so diminishes your credibility, irrespective repeated assertions of or references to superior knowledge.

    Perhaps if you would expressly compose your prose to appear less condescending, and more understanding, folks wouldnâ??t think of you as a bombastic-blowhard-wantta-be? In the process maybe your concerns wouldnâ??t get lost in distraction?
  19. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    " " = quotation marks

    Get real, Anthony.

    It was a quote, and I gave the source. What the frightened superstitious do with it is up to them.

    I hear your kind of hifalutin stuff, constantly. Whenever my words can't be disputed, the opposition falls back on this: "Waaaah. Well, you may be wight, but you sure awen't vewy nice about it!"
  20. Crdt Dfnse

    Crdt Dfnse Well-Known Member

    I Was Wrong, You ARE Sensitive!

    Foremost I never stated you were right (R-I-G-H-T) only that I didnâ??t necessarily disagree with your sentiment. You may want to consider such things before getting defensive inasmuch as I DID dispute your tripe!

    Itâ??s unfortunate youâ??ve taken offense yet that seems to befit your mind-set (or fragility of ego), albeit subterfuge doesnâ??t change the factsâ?¦ Your reference and quote are misleading, and at best weak in relation to context. So, which of us truly needs to â??get real?â?

    Yes, I do believe you protesteth too much. [;-)
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