
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jonesing, Aug 10, 2001.

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  1. kbelle72

    kbelle72 Well-Known Member

    Re: I Was Wrong, You ARE Sensitive!

    I would ignore him Anthony as should everyone else from here on out. He's one of those people that feel the need to argue with and belittle everyone about him. If you speak to him, you just feed his disorder. I imagine that he has just TONS of friend in RL.
  2. Crdt Dfnse

    Crdt Dfnse Well-Known Member

    Re: I Was Wrong, You ARE Sensitive!

    Well, frankly, Mr. Fisher isnâ??t necessarily â??out-thereâ? so to speak, just overly abrasive (me thinks by intent). Heâ??s just another recent credit maven who thinks heâ??s well connected, got-it-goin-on, and knows the real dealâ?¦ (Yeah, thatâ??s obvious.) Ahhh, to each his own; whatever turns his crank. No foul toward me, where I'm concerned. [;-)
  3. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Your spinning about sensitivity

    Take it up with Nolo.

    Hey, your harumphing is a riot. I appoint you Assistant-Arbiter of Tone (you answer to Hal), Head Sentimentality Ranger, and Nuance Overlord.

    One more time, Pookie: Let me know when I misquote, or make a false statement. Everything else is a bunch of whining about style (after the facts, that's all there is to complain about). You said, "Be that as it may, I do find your initial statement regarding criminal aspects of check writing false."

    So, show me where I made a statement about that, and I'll eat my hat. And don't forget to consider standard english punctuation including quotation marks, Joe Provincial.

    [Hey, I think I'm onto something: All I have to do is post a quotation here, and he'll assume that the words are mine!]

    I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country.

    I have a dream.

    A penny saved is a penny earned.

    Take my wife, please.
  4. Crdt Dfnse

    Crdt Dfnse Well-Known Member

    You're A Funny Guy!

    Yeah, rightâ?¦ LOL, squirm to your hearts content, Greg. But in so doing consider the definition of â??misleadingâ? (and blame Dictionary.com with more subterfuge): http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=misleading.

    All together nowâ?¦ Can you say, DECEPTIVE? [;-)
  5. Struggler

    Struggler Well-Known Member

    Re: Your spinning about sensitivity

    We're all appointing you in charge of sex and music.... that means that when we want your *f$@*ing* advice....

    we'll whistle!!!
  6. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    Maybe Adlai was speaking about Greg

    "Some people approach every problem withan open mouth. "
    -- Adlai Stevenson
  7. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Don't be a sore loser

    My hat is intact.

    What's next? Are you going to ask long I've been beating my wife?
  8. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Re: Don't be a sore loser

    you know the phrase :)

    "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?"
  9. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    Allow me to interject...

    By the powers vested in me I hereby declare this thread degenerative and counterproductive. Although no summary judgements are being made we find it necessary to close said thread with all speed and quickness.

    Thanks for your participation.

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