I have 2 accounts with First USA that were discharged in a bankruptcy 1 year ago, and FUSA continues to report them as a charge off w/a balance. I received a letter from FUSA stating that they sold the account to BLINE. Fine with me - that should take care of the balance that is showing when the CRAs see the letter. Trans Union deleted immediately, however, on the October update from FUSA, the balance was reinserted on one of the accounts. I called TU and spoke to "Kelly." I told her that the balance was incorrect, and I had faxed in the paperwork previously. She explained the update process that the creditors do monthly. I then told her that the accounts should actually show "included in bankruptcy" and she said, "if they were both in the bankruptcy, I can change that right now for you." I asked her to, and she did! I checked Privacy Guard, and my TU score went from 631 to 649 with the change from "charge off" to "included in bankruptcy." Now, I have to wait and see if they update it in November.
You should get a full report from TU showing the update. If it gets changed again, I would send a written dispute to TU, with a copy of the tradeline from the update, and demand deletion based on Cushman v. Trans Union, data furnisher unreliability.
Well, well....they updated it. It now reports a balance again. Do you have a state or case number for Cushman v. Trans Union? If I can quote specifics, it may get TU to delete it, and never reinsert it. Thanks
In this thread, Butch posted a sample letter for this situation. Did TU provide you the copy of the report, showing that it was updated to IIB?
Re: Re: FUSA drama - TU does it right! Yes, they did provide me with a report to show IIB. When it was updated back to a charge off, I only discovered that because of Privacy Guard.