My situation is that in May 2005 I filed for bankruptcy & in Jan. 2006 it was court approved. Guess what -- yes, I bit again & now I'm between $6,000-8,000 in debt depending on if $2,000 gets waived because of my protective plan & I've been unemployed since last August. My question is if anyone thinks I should simply do nothing with Capital One (the $6,000 by now chunk) since I don't care about my credit rating & wish they would just leave me alone, I don't have a job for garnishing, & I changed my phone number already so there aren't any irritating calls coming in. Basically is anyone sure out there that years down the line if I ever get another job they will garnish for double the current amount? Out here in CA would it be possible to pay the minimum them for, say, 1 or 2 years & then declare bankruptcy again before they claim a judgement against me (I'm currently 7 payments behind). Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks!
I have no idea about the bankruptcy, since the laws have changed so much. But if they sue you and get a judgment, that can last for years and years, so if you get a job in the future they could garnish your wages. And in most states that debt can accrue interest during that time. Whether CapOne will come after you for that amount, I don't know.